the only thing I can think of is that I used the same prefs.xml I had for the old version, is ok or I must create a new one with the 3.6.0 version?
Nothing except in the Statistics windows. ;-)What was missing as translation strings except in the Statistics window?
Code: Select all
ActionStretchList.Caption=&Stretch list
ActionStretchList.Hint=Stretch list|Stretch the list to the right
ActionDisplayHTML.Caption=&Display HTML
ActionDisplayHTML.Hint=Display HTML|Display movie infomation according to HTML template
ActionDisplayThumbnails.Caption=Display as &thumbnails
ActionDisplayThumbnails.Hint=Display as thumbnails|Display the movie list as thumbnails
ActionSortAscend.Hint=|Sort in ascending order
ActionSortDescend.Hint=|Sort in descending order
ActionMovieRandom.Hint=Random|Random selection
ActionMenuSort.Caption=&Sort by
ActionMenuSort.Hint=Sort movies|Sort by a specified field the movies of the list
Messages.Strings.String[33]=|Sort by %s
LHHTMLTemplate.Caption=HTML Template
EHTMLTemplate.ButtonHint=Browse...|Select file
LGridTextSize.Caption=Number of characteres by section in grid mode (0 = no limit):
LGridTextSize.Hint=|The sections FormatedTitle, OriginalTitle and TranslatedTitle are not affected
CBGroupMulti.Caption=Make groups with values in multi field separated by:
CBGroupMulti.Hint=|For multi fields such as Category, Actors, Languages, Subtitles...
EGroupMultiSep.Hint=|Separtor to delimite values in multi field
CBGroupMultiRmAllP.Caption=Remove values between parentheses for all multi fields
CBGroupMultiRmAllP.Hint=|Field Actors by default + Others multi fields
CBGroupMultiAddPatch.Caption=Add patch to ignore parenthesis of (I, (II, (II, (IV... (XXX values
CBSortGroupsByCount.Caption=Sort groups by groups count
Messages.Strings.String[4]=< others >
Actually, I use AMCU as portable version so I didn't change anything about data files directory.You haven't changed anything about that yet I suppose ?
I only use 2 new components (very easy to install):Did you use other new 3rd-party components? (one thing I was trying to avoid, as it is annoying to install a lot of these in Delphi)
I have thought the same thingSo there would be versions 4.00 to 4.99: each version with new features increments that number, it avoids the problem to decide which number has to be incremented grin (then e.g. 4.00.1 if a release fixes only bugs)
Of course, no problem !I say "we" could release since I think that I could use your version as an official one (with you as co-author of course), as long was it follows the few things I was planning like the version number, and that translations and help files are maintained...
Yes, French and English translation !About that, I guess you only update the French translation file?
I have to update it...What about the help file?
In fact, I don't know where you found images, so I add 2 open source images (Random, HTML Viewer) but we can change them.And the toolbar images?
For the moment, I don't known.About adding new fields, I think that it would be better to decide a new file format rather than modify the current one...