Problem getting data from IMDb. Is ambiguity necessary ?

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Problem getting data from IMDb. Is ambiguity necessary ?

Post by mortenl »

Recently my AntMovieCatalog Program has had a curious malady. When I try to fetch a movie title from IMDb and enter the exact title, and there is only just one movie with this specific title I get no data, only the title itself plus the production year.

To get the full information I have to ask in such a way, that I get a list of movies to choose from.

An example: I try to download data regarding the wonderful Norwegian film named "O'Horten". I try with the exact name (O'Horten) and with some other likely possibilities (Ohorten, Horten) and all I get is just the title and the production year. I get the same meagre result when I put in the IMDb URL for the title.

I succeeded, however, with getting the data, but in some akward way: I entered "La nouvelle vie" (which is part of the movies french title.) This resulted in a list of titles where I could choose "O'Horten" and so get the data I wanted.

Does anybody out there know what can be wrong, and how I can cure this malady ?


Morten Levy, Denmark
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

This was fixed with script version 3.69 (if it's not a new problem). You can check your script's version number on scripting window in the frame below the list of scripts. Please run script [Update Scripts] or download latest IMDb script from manually if you don't have 3.69 yet.
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