Any Interest in a Python Django App for PKsMovieDatabase?

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Would you be interested in a Django App version of PKsMovieDB?

Yes, Django is Awesome!
I use Python for webdev, but not Django.
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I only find a PHP useful, and am happy with the current version.
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Stick to PHP, and setup a project for use to collaborate, create bugs.
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Joined: 2005-07-27 23:17:15

Any Interest in a Python Django App for PKsMovieDatabase?

Post by mjs7231 »

I no longer write PHP code, and haven't done so in about 3 years as you can tell from the lack of updates in the PHP version of PKsMovieDB.

I am just curious how much interest there would be in a Python version of this app for Django? This would obviously need to be a new branch, starting form scratch. However, running under Django, I think there are some pretty slick things we can do. I would also be a bit more official about the code base, and setup a project someplace where we can collaborate, create bugs, etc..

Please comment with your thoughts. :)
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