Template for dynamic web page view version 2.1

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Joined: 2007-03-25 16:30:07
Location: Toulon

Modifications affichage

Post by Dedej »

yvelan wrote:

J'ai chargé ce thème, mais je n'arrive pas à faire disparaitre la colonne de droite d'affichage de la liste (la colonne marron). C'est possible ? Par ailleurs, je voudrais aussi faire disparaitre le titre original ....
Pour enlever le titre original dans les fichiers Layout 1 à 6 à ouvrir avec éditeur de texte style notepad (bloc-notes) remplacer la ligne:

Code: Select all

   <text style="bold">merge(movie.getAttribute('TranslatedTitle'),': ',movie.getAttribute('OriginalTitle'))</text>

Code: Select all

   <text style="bold">movie.getAttribute('TranslatedTitle')</text>
Pour la colonne de droite faire disparaitre quoi exactement juste le fond marron style pellicule ou certaines info?

Dans les Layouts le fond style pellicule est déclaré par:

Code: Select all

Donc si c'est juste cela enlever cette partie de code selon ce que l'on souhaite mais on ne peut pas faire disparaitre toute la colonne de droite (fond + infos) qui est au même niveau que le résumé sans modifier le code plus en profondeur.

BenoitFR59 wrote:
Excellent template. Merci. grin kind

Toutefois je trouve qu'il manque la possibilité de trier la liste dans l'ordre d'ajout (du plus récent au plus ancien) afin de voir rapidement les nouvelles entrées. Peut-être pour la prochaine version?
C'est déjà le cas mais dans ma version en ligne ça bug mais en local c'est bon et c'est aussi le cas dans la version suivante, je suis en train de la traduire, patience. ;) (on clic sur la colonne Date et on a la liste dans le sens croissant ou décroissant)

Bon catalog :grinking:
Posts: 25
Joined: 2010-01-22 14:59:03

Post by JCSullivan »

Thanks Bonnie and all those who had a hand in testing. Nice piece of work and it worked perfectly THE FIRST TIME. Finally.

Need to do a couple of more things and if I have questions I'll be back.
Thanks again.
Posts: 76
Joined: 2008-02-22 21:50:31


Post by ajwconsult »

Hello bonienl,
Had a questions from a couple of blackburry and iPhone mobile phone users.....

When browsing a database there is no scroll bar on the right, the listing seems to only display the amount that is originally fitted on the window... And if the screen is rotated the listing is halved.

Is this a compatibility issue with other browsers??? The popular one is Safari I think.

I tested it on my iPhone with the latest 3.1.2 firmware and, yes it does not have a scroll bar.

Hope it is a simple fix as a lot more people are now wanting to access using there mobiles when they are out or BORED.....

Thanks again m8 for all the excellent changes.... And yes everything is still sweet.

Posts: 76
Joined: 2008-02-22 21:50:31

Post by ajwconsult »

hello again,

Is it possible to send the request to the sender as well as they would like to keep for there records.

Posts: 156
Joined: 2008-02-24 10:10:43
Location: Netherlands

Post by bonienl »

ajwconsult wrote:hello again,

Is it possible to send the request to the sender as well as they would like to keep for there records.

In the file mailform.php at the end change the line

Code: Select all

$headers = "From: ".($sender?"$sender\r\nReply-To: $email":$email)."\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();

Code: Select all

$headers = "From: ".($sender?"$sender\r\nReply-To: $email":$email)."\r\nCc: $email\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();
This will add the sender in the 'copy to' field.
Posts: 156
Joined: 2008-02-24 10:10:43
Location: Netherlands

Re: Mobiles...

Post by bonienl »

ajwconsult wrote:Hello bonienl,
Had a questions from a couple of blackburry and iPhone mobile phone users.....
I am looking into this. Safari itself works fine so I guess it is something related to blackburry/iPhone itself.
Posts: 76
Joined: 2008-02-22 21:50:31

Auto Email Sender...

Post by ajwconsult »

Hi M8,

Can you confirm if there is a way that the sender also receives a copy of the email from this new online email facility....

They would like to keep a record for themselves if possible.

Say pick up there input email address and CC with that.

Thanks again

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