Aiuto-catalogo piante Help-plants catalogue

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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Aiuto-catalogo piante Help-plants catalogue

Post by giulio84 »

Ciao ragazzi, ho bisogno di un aiuto.
Sto usando questo programma per catalogare io miei film e lo trovo buonissimo
e adesso lo vorei un pò modificato per catalogare le mie piante per poi asportarli
ogni volta che voglio in pdf (cosi lo posso spedire agli amici collezzionisti).

Se mi date qualche dritta come poso fare per cambiare le vari cattegorie
tipo: "prestato", "titolo originale" ...etc. provero a cambiare qualche
cosa per fare un catalogo di piante con le aposite categarie interessate.
(un catalogo di piante grasse e cactus).
La mia email è

Preciso che ho una buona conoscenza del pc ma non della programmazione

Translation (google Translation)


Hello guys, I need help.
I am using this program to catalog my movies and I find it very good
and now I want to modify for my plants and then export it
every time I want to pdf (so I can send to friends collectors).

If you give me some advice as I lay do to change the various cattegorie
like "title", "original title" ... etc.. try to change some
what to do a catalog of plants with the text field provided categarie concerned.
(a catalog of succulents and cactus).
My email is
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Post by antp »

You want to change the labels shown in the program?
You can do that by copying one of the translations file (see the "Languages" folder of where the program is installed), copy for example "Italian.lng" to "plants.lng", then modify the contents.
You can later select the new language in Tools -> Language menu.
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Joined: 2010-01-27 11:00:05

Post by giulio84 »

All ready done, But there are some empty blanks and I want to delet them. How can i do to delete them? Like "year", "URL" or "video format"
Thanks :ha:
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Post by antp »

instead of ".Caption=..." you can try a ".Visible=0", I do not remember if it works.
Else you can just move them outside the window, by setting .Left or .Top values to high values.
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Joined: 2010-01-27 11:00:05

Post by giulio84 »

But in what file i must change this element, in language.lng? (i don't thing so) or in moviecatalog.exe? :??:
I thig is moviecatalog.exe but how i can modify .exe?, with txt? is very incompressible so many tags, letters....:hum:
anyway thank you for help me
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Post by bad4u »

It's in the language (*.lng) file, e.g. if you want to hide

Code: Select all

you can simply add new lines for

Code: Select all

or - if that doesn't work - use

Code: Select all

to move the the label outside the monitor.

If you want to hide/move the text box instead of the label, use e.g. EYear instead of LYear.
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