Hi, I'm writing a script to merge someone elses AMC catalogue (saved as XML) into my catalogue. It pretty much works (very basic).
Is there a file selection dialogue box that I can use, instead of having to ask the user to enter the filename as a string?
If I operate over more than 1 movie entry (e.g. selected or all), is there any way I can ask for the first time the script is run the filename, and then suppress the question to the user for entering the filename, until they click 'run' again? So I'm looking for a variable that might be 'true' for first time script is executed since run is clicked, so I only have to ask once.
Scripting over multiple movie entries
File selection: no, unfortunately. Though that it would be possible to build a basic one... using the list window and the function which returns folder contents: you show drive letters to user, then browse for the selected drive, showing folders contained, then browsing in selected folder, etc.
For the value, between each movie the global variables are kept. So if you declare in the var section at the top of the script a variable "AreadyAsked" for example; it would have a default value of false and you can set it true once asked and then it will be skipped for next movie. Variables have default value of False (boolean), 0 (Integer) and '' (string).
File selection: no, unfortunately. Though that it would be possible to build a basic one... using the list window and the function which returns folder contents: you show drive letters to user, then browse for the selected drive, showing folders contained, then browsing in selected folder, etc.
For the value, between each movie the global variables are kept. So if you declare in the var section at the top of the script a variable "AreadyAsked" for example; it would have a default value of false and you can set it true once asked and then it will be skipped for next movie. Variables have default value of False (boolean), 0 (Integer) and '' (string).