custom modification v0.9 by alex1
original thread: viewtopic.php?t=3429&start=520
English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Slovenian
Features: (different to PKs MovieDB)
- - cache files as JPEG instead of PNG (~90% less space and traffic)
- new views: MiniCover (small covers, 7 in a row each 120px height) and BigCover (huge covers - 450px height, extended 1200px-width-layout)
- optimized panels and search
- show full imdb-/rating-stars (+ lightbox for info-link)
- badges for mediatype (lowres, 720p, 1080p), audioformat (ac3, dts, mp3), videoformat (avc, divx, xvid)
- added lightboxes ( to view movie-infos without pop-ups or leaving the page (description, actors, url on ratings etc.)
- customized and optimized all original view-types (cover, list, details)
- massive info about movie in "details"-view (added actors, extendable description, info about file like videoformat, bitrate - without much loss of space!
- extended stylesheet
- full view of cover in Detail-view by clicking the image
- removed annoying "random"-feature
- removed copyrights and other stuff like to have a better overview (sorry for that PK)
- added, thanks to mking!
- - not returning to page 1 when searching
- a link in a lightbox opens in the box instead of in the original window
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Download: (407KB, please don't mirror or direct-link it)
If you don't know how to install it, go away!
Just kidding, it's easy to install, just read the readme from PK's package.
It's unfinished, so please post your bug-reports and comments here!