serious possible to put an image it determines type logo?

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serious possible to put an image it determines type logo?

Post by Videomania »

¿serious possible to put an image it determines type logo to the catalogue?
if agradeceria were possible you you said me since to do I have it gustaria
a quite important collection with thousand of titles all catalogued to introduce
and me in the logo of my collection designed by my, I have the group designed
by my same one and when it finalizes you it will pass it in case to somebody it
comes to him well, thanks beforehand and congratulations by this wonderful catalogue,
the best sight until now if to somebody interests to him to
put itself here in contact with me
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Post by antp »

... :??: I do not understand what you ask
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Post by bad4u »

He wants to add his own logo to the program, I guess ?
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Post by Videomania »

If, thus it is but like beginning of the program but not comprising of, next to the fields, thanks for your time, also gustaria to know to me if I can change the type of source for the fields, very been thankful for THANKS
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Post by bad4u »


Maybe better try spanish ? Intentar español ?
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Post by Videomania »

Si asi es deseo poner mi propio logotipo junto a los campo como imagen fija es posible, tambien desearia saber si puedo cambiar el tipo de fuente de los campos e podido cambiar el color y el tamaño pero no asi el tipo, gracias
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Post by Videomania »

If thus it is desire to put my own logo next to the field as image fixes is possible, also desearia to know if I can change the type of source of the fields and been able to change to the color and the size but not therefore the type, thanks
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Post by bad4u »

Videomania wrote:If thus it is desire to put my own logo next to the field as image fixes is possible, also desearia to know if I can change the type of source of the fields and been able to change to the color and the size but not therefore the type, thanks
Sorry, still not sure if understand correct, but ..
- you cannot add your own logo without recompiling the source code, at least I think so (neither on splash screen, nor inside the applicataion)
- you cannot change of which type a field is, you can only change the caption of the field (e.g. "Director" -> "Whatever")
- you can change the size of fonts on your language file (e.g. LDirector.Font.Size=10)
- you cannot change the color of fonts, I guess

If that's not what you asked for, more likely someone speaking spanish might be able to understand better :/
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Post by Videomania »

Thanks are what wished to know, if lcolor of the sources can be changed and for example (LDirector.Font.Color= 12582912)
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

very interesting, at last.
Being easy to change the color of the font, as suggested, should it be possible to change the family (i.e Algerian instead of Arial or Times New Roman) or the font style (Bold, Italic ecc.) ?
thanks to all. ;)
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Post by Videomania »

it be possible to change the family (i.e Algerian instead of Arial or Times New Roman) or the font style (Bold, Italic ecc.) ?
example (LDirector.Font.Style= Italic
example (LDirector.Font.Name= Algerian
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

@videomania: great!
About your original question: have you tried with ResHacker?
It shoul let you change icons within .exe files, I guess.
Bye. ;)
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Post by bad4u »

It is possible to set some font properties, e.g.

LDirector.Font.Name=Comic Sans MS

will work, but I don't know how to assign attributes through language files (if it's possible at all). Maybe Antoine can clarify this.
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Post by antp »

I only handle numeric & text properties in the translation engine, not sets like the font style (as at first I did not expect to use that for program customization :D)
So the only solution is to chose a fond which has a italic variant in this case (in few cases, there are distinct fonts for normal & italic)
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