Add "DateFormat" attribute to XML file

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Add "DateFormat" attribute to XML file

Post by bonienl »

The XML file export contains the date values which are formatted according to the settings of the system on which AMC resides.

The template which I have created is able to sort on dates but it can not know the date format which is used upon storing the XML information.

Right now a manual setting is required to cope with the different date formats. To automate a correct date format selection it would need an additional attribute value which describes the date format in use. For example:

Code: Select all

<AntMovieCatalog Format="35" Version="3.5.1 (2009-02-01)" Date="22-05-2009 00:01:02" DateFormat="dd-MM-yyyy">
Alternatively it can be put as a new attribute of the 'Properties' line.

Is it possible to add this information in an upcoming version of AMC?
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Post by antp »

Actually the fact that it uses locale date format is a bug.
It should use a standard fixed format, e.g. the ISO "yyy-mm-dd".
In the next release this will be fixed, only problem is that I do not know when I will do the next release :/
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