I must be doing something wrong. I export my movies to a CSV file containing only the original title field. I end up with a file that shows it's associated with Excel but Excel can't find the file. If I try to copy or move the file, Windows Vista sasy the file doex not exist. If I click properties in Explorer it shows a 26.5Kb file but I haven't fond a way to open this file with anything.
Help exporting CSV file
You probably saved your exported file within AMC's folder structure, did you ? If you use UAC (User Account Control) on Vista, it blocks programs from writing to program's folder. Links to these files appear on program's folder, but the real files are located inside a hidden folder called "VirtualStore".
Simply try exporting to another folder with write permissions (e.g. your documents folder).
Simply try exporting to another folder with write permissions (e.g. your documents folder).