[REQ] [ITA] www.movieplayer.it

If you made a script you can offer it to the others here, or ask help to improve it. You can also report here bugs & problems with existing scripts.
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[REQ] [ITA] www.movieplayer.it

Post by hanzalone »

Is it possible to do a script for this site?

I'm trying to do it, but i've a problem.
Can someone help me?

In this site a search word is converted to BASE64, and i found a library (MIME.pas) useful for the target, but is difficult for me to use it.

I'm a C# programmer....and Object Pascal is so different.....
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Post by antp »

:??: isn't that just a standard form sent by "post"? you do not need to do any special encoding I think, just use the PostPage function provided for scripts
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Joined: 2009-04-30 14:15:00

Post by hanzalone »

I have a question for you.
What kind of utilities a Pascal programmer use for these script?
A simple text editor is sufficient?
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Best choice for editing scripts is AMC's internal scripts editor. You can easily run the script at any time and see how changes affect the execution and results of the script. Besides you can use tools like a variable watchlist, etc.

For understanding scripting language I recommend to have a closer look on AMC's helpfile "Technical information - Script files creation". And it might be a good idea to read through and learn from a simple, existing script.

When editing scripts and code from outside AMC - e.g. for comparing or replacing - I use free notepd++ editor. Or use any text editor that supports syntax highlighting.

A site like http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/ might be helpful if you have questions on Delphi basics or on syntax of specific commands.
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