Culturalia Script

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Culturalia Script

Post by Guest »

Can this script been modified to obtain the duration of the movie? I know that Culturalia hasn't this information, but this can't be obtained from IMDB or another web? For duration language doesn't matters, and anyways I do this manually for all my movies.
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Post by antp »

It could be get from IMDB, but it requires to download two pages from IMDB each time : more time to import and often you'll have to select the movie in the list sent by IMDB.
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Post by folgui »


The same occurs with Rating. Culturalia hasn't it and imdb yes.

I get info from culturalia and then these two fields from imdb. Two connections, more import time.

Or somebody works on a more automatic solution or i'll need to learn more about scripting to work on it :)

There's an unofficial script called imdb+culturalia (join of both), there in some post, by antp, but needs to work on it, it doesn't work correctly.

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Post by antp »

folgui wrote:Two connections, more import time.
even if everything is in the same script it will have to make two connections...
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