Recently i have saved all my movies to HDD, so i can fill the "source" field, but i have realized that i have to do that one by one.
The possibility of edit some specific fields selecting more than 1 movie at the same time would be great
I think is a good idea
Edit more than 1 film
You can easily do that by using a script. Simply choose the movies you want to modify and on the scripting window click on "selected movies" before you run the script.
To change source field you could use something like
The script will ask for a string and copy it to field "Source" of all selected movies. I recommend making a backup of your catalog before you run any scripts that modify a larger number of movies at once. If you change "fieldSource" the script works for other fields too. 
To change source field you could use something like
Code: Select all
program ModifySourceField;
value: string;
if value = '' then
input('Input new string for field "Source":', '', value);
setField(fieldSource, value);