A new features request

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Joined: 2008-11-05 14:01:58

A new features request

Post by udgd66 »

First of all, sorry for my english :/

I believe that a new field on you database structure will be necessary :hihi:

A field that contain if the film is seen or not seen so that i can filter search only for the film not seen.

Is possible this? I believe this is a great features :grinking:
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Post by antp »

Some day I will add fields, but I do not know when as I nearly never work on the program, at least not for big changes (may be in years).
You can use the checkboxes in the movie list for that (if they are not visible, you have to enabled the option in Tools -> Preferences -> Movie List).
Else you can use one of the unused fields.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2008-11-05 14:01:58

Post by udgd66 »

Ah ok...tnx

when u can .... :grinking:
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Joined: 2006-08-21 21:40:11

Post by Melmoth »

Don't rate unseen movies and leave this field empty. Sorting by "rating" will result in a list of unrated movies saying <none> (or rate all of them "0" and even your worst flicks have to be rated at least "1"). This is how I do it and you don't even need an additional field (or have to misuse another).
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