Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
When sorting by this field, i think, it is necessary to use the algorithm of sorting at which the order of alphanumeric lines will be habitual for the person. This is described as a "natural ordering".
For example:
Do you have some Delphi code which does it?
I could add that easily but I do not wish to write that myself, I guess it must exist. I searched some time ago but I guess I did not find something convincing...
I have not, sorry, but search over Internet by google can give positive result.
If you want, I can search, but I do not know Delphi and it is difficult for me to determine, what code is working, and what no...
Sure, I asked just in case of
Yes, it is probably easy to find and integrate in the program, I just have to take some time for that, like for all other features of my to-do list
@ igorx: if you are missing this feature or if you have issues sorting your stuff just add zeros to fill missing digits. Works fine in every application and with files in any kind of explorer.
E.g.: 0001 instead of 1 (max of 9999 items then); 01-01 instead of 1-1
Via csv export you can edit the format of the numbers with excel (or the open office pendant) and save a lot of typing.