Does/can AMC support Chinese or Korean movies + language?

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Does/can AMC support Chinese or Korean movies + language?

Post by Spixe »

I'm looking for a movie catalog software where I can entire the English (translated) name of a Chinese and/or movie, and it will search respective sites and not only return the movie's information, but also the name of the movie in it's respective language. I've searched the forums here, and so far see no scripts that support any Chinese or Korean online movie databases. But assuming someone can make one (you may also take this as a request, though I'll post another official one later), does AMC have the ability or function I'm looking for, being able to extract not only information but also native language title? Thanks for any tips. Here's hoping I came to the right place....

(I posted this under AMC > Scripts as well, not realizing maybe it should have been first put under AMC > Help - mods please forgive the repost)
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

AMC does not support unicode, so only characters from your local Windows charset are allowed. So it is possible if you have Korean language as default language on Windows or at least configured for AMC. Please read viewtopic.php?t=3981 for more information about that.
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