[En] Filmaffinity script help

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[En] Filmaffinity script help

Post by evanescence »


A few weeks ago I discovered this program and it's great, great job.

I'm a frequent FilmAffinity's user. The script works very well but would like to modify the script to import the data entering the url. I've seen that in other scripts, this is possible. For example, the imdb script choose between the title or the url. I tried to modify it, but I have not been able.

I hope someone help me.
Thank you.
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Add this code ..

Code: Select all

   if GetField(fieldURL) <> '' then
directly before this code at the end of the script (line 422; it's currently not the end, but the beginning of the script)..

Code: Select all

   MovieName := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);
   if MovieName = '' then
            MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);
Now you can enter/copy an URL into the URL field and run the script. It will not ask for any title no more. If you have no URL given, it will run the same way as the 'standard' script.
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Post by antp »

While Bad4u replied I was modifying the script, but to make it work like the Allociné script: allowing to paste the movie page URL instead of typing the title when the scripts asks for it.
What exactly was the request ? That, or as Bad4u suggested allowing to get the URL from the URL field?
Anyway, if you want "my" modification of the script, it is on my server, so available through the "update script" script.
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Post by bad4u »

As evanescence refered to IMDB script, which asks for title or URL, your solution might be the 'correct' or better one ;)
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Joined: 2008-06-12 12:53:53

Post by evanescence »


Just what I needed because I have hyperlinks to excel, and now only with the url, I import data without entering movie to movie.

Thank you, you saved me a few hours of work.

Ps: In my humble opinion, I think the best thing is that if you have the URL, which read this field. If you do not have it and you do not find the movie, which prompted the url. (sorry for my English)
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