Statistics Window with no list

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Statistics Window with no list

Post by green »

When I upgraded from the previous version to the latest (no uninstall was made), going to the statistics window would show me only the total number of movies.

I uninstalled completely, reinstalled (instead of doing the upgrade) and it was there, so I could also look at other things such as the additions frequency, average movie lengths and the other histograms.

Now, after a couple of months, that list on the left hand side of the statistics window is gone again. Is there anyway to get it back?

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Post by antp »

Can you do a screenshot of the window? I do not really see how could elements from that window disappear :??:
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Post by green »

Not sure how to embed an image directly into the post. I don't have a URL to upload the image to that seems to be implied by the "Img*" in the Forum.

I'll try and describe it. And I hope the ASCII art helps. Where I've got (NOTE), that's what's blank.

On the left, where you have the list that allows me to view the interesting statistics, they aren't there.

What is there
* Bottom left: "Movies to include" with 4 radio check buttons
* Top right: Three greyed out icons in a tool bar, the last being "Options"
* Bottom right: The button "close"
* Main Text:
- Total number of movies: xxxx
- Average Movie length
- Total movie length
- total size of movie files
- Total number of discs

Code: Select all

|                  | X Xv | X Options v         |
|                  +---------------------------+|
|                  | total num. mov.           ||
|                  | ave movie len             ||
|     (NOTE)       | total movie len           ||
|                  | total size of mov files   ||
|                  | total num of discs        ||
|                  |                           ||
|                  |                           ||
|+-Movies to inc-+ |                           ||
||O All (xx)     | |                           ||
||O Selected (xx)| |                           ||
||O Checked (xx) | |                           ||
||O Visible (xx) | |                           ||
|+---------------+ +---------------------------+|
|                                        +-----+|
|                                        |close||
|                                        +-----+|
What is interesting (and that can't be shown with a screen shot) is when I resize the window, what looks like a white list box with no text flickers on the left. When I stop resizing it's no longer there.
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Post by antp »

To upload pics on forums you can use sites like
(I think that's the first time that I receive an Ascii Art screenshot :lol:)
Though that the Ascii Art is enough to understand the problem, maybe it could still be useful to post the screenshot in case that some weird line/border may give me an idea on what blocks the list.

What version of Windows do you use? Do you use some special theme other then a default one, or do you have installed something for special theming effects?
It is the first time that someone reports such problem with that windows, which is already strange. But in addition of that, this list which does not appear is a very basic list, usually when problems like that appear it is with components that are not standard in Windows.
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Post by bad4u »

@ antp:
That might be caused by same reason as a problem I mentioned some time ago when watch list on scripts editor disappears, as I can reproduce the same behaviour with statistic window now: When I open statistics window and drag the window to the right until left options window reaches right side of screen - now the options list disappears on my window, too. Same behaviour as on watch list of scripts editor.

On my opinion it could be a incompatibility with graphics driver (I'm using ATI Driver 8.421 on Radeon 9800 Pro here) - if there's no bug on the code. Maybe it would be a good idea to test another driver version. There was another similar problem some time ago using dual monitor configurations viewtopic.php?t=381 - seems to be a graphics driver problem, too.

Important: When the options list disappears, it does not clean the list only, but removes the complete list from the frame ! There's the grey background then, not an empty white list (at least for me).

Screenshot: (copy into a NEW browser window)
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Post by antp »

bad4u wrote: When I open statistics window and drag the window to the right until left options window reaches right side of screen - now the options list disappears on my window, too.
Indeed, on my PC I have the same problem... But I have a card based on nVidia 7300, not ATI.
This happens only when the list is hidden by the edge of the screen, it should not happen when the window opens.
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Post by green »

Well, after the comment from bad4u, I opened AMC again, but before I opened the statistics window I shifted AMC to the primary monitor. And everything is there as expected.

I don't think this is a video driver problem (nVidia 7600GS), but a dual monitor problem.

Thanks :D
At least I know how to avoid the issue. :grinking:
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Post by antp »

If that happens when the window opens on secondary monitor, I may find how to fix that... I guess that forcing the refreshing of that list may solve the problem. I'll check that later (I'll have to connect my 2nd monitor to my PC)
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Post by bad4u »

So it is the same error/effect as when moving the window to the right side and the list disappears - the frame 'leaves' monitor 1. Only difference is that the list will be refreshed correctly when you change window size on screen 1 again, while on screen 2 (as green told) it will be deleted constantly and so only flickers when changing size. Fixing one problem should solve both errors (and the problem on watch list, too).

Maybe the solution can be found on previous amc version, if it really works as green said before - on second screen..
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