only integers for IMDB rating?

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only integers for IMDB rating?

Post by kolia »

I find this a bit strange that noone here (that I could find) never mentioned that the imported IMDB (or whatever...) rating should remain as is (i mean with at least 1 decimal) and not be rounded to an integer...

for me -and I assume for others who take in mind the oppinion of others- a 6.6 rating is not so close to 7.4 for say 1000 people but they are both recorded as 7...

In short, my suggestion is don't use an integer for rating (even if it's way quicker...)

anyway, I want to hear your oppinion on that ;)
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Post by antp »

I'll offer the possibility to use a 0-100 rating instead of 0-10, so it will resolve this problem ;)
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Joined: 2003-02-19 16:02:46

Post by kolia »

yep, that should do the trick and it will still remain an integer :hihi:

(I'll only need to multiply by 10)

Thanks Antoine !

IntegerX10 - great ideia

Post by stardust »

This little flaw was the only thing I could point to AMC. :grinking:

When will it be fixed?? :??:
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Re: IntegerX10 - great ideia

Post by antp »

stardust wrote:When will it be fixed?? :??:
In version 4
but it will not be "fixed" since it is not a bug : you'll simply have the possibility to change the format of the field from 0-10 to 0-100

Post by FireStarter »

Hallo antp, first of all, you program is much better than all the other programs ever made.

Second, when will be released version 4, everyone is waiting for it.
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Post by antp »

FireStarter wrote:
Second, when will be released version 4, everyone is waiting for it.
When it's finished :p
maybe 1 month
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