script stopped working!

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Posts: 15
Joined: 2008-01-17 07:02:01 script stopped working!

Post by stopkran »

Updated my AMC to a new version and script stopped working! I look for a movie and every time it says "no movie found" but I know for sure that such movie is in the friends-forum catalog simply by checking their website. What the problem could be? Is anyone facing the same problem? I also reinstalled my windows so maybe the problem caused by that?
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Post by antp »

That script was not updated since 2 years, so long time before the release of version 3.5.1 of the program, so that uprade should not have changed anything on that script :??: Or you had an even old script, but then it is strange that it was working and not the newer one.
Was it working just before the upgrade? Are other scripts working?
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Post by stopkran »

Thanks for helping!
The script actually worked well with a previous version (I update AMC every time there's new version). But this time I decided to reinstall Windows XP and installed AMC after that. I am not sure but the script perfectly worked exactly with new version (but once again I am not sure maybe it was a previous one). So this time I reinstall windows then installed AMC and that's it: almost all scripts I used don't work.,, But worked! So what's the problem might be? I don't think I changed any Windows settings. For example if I had blocked the AMC with firewall then no scripts would've worked! I reinstalled AMC again - downloaded new version from the site again (just in case if my file got corrupted) - still nothing! Crazy!
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Post by stopkran »

I believe I am the only one who has such problem otherwise someone would already post it. So I am wondering what could happen? I mean I did it before: I reinstall Windows almost every 6 months - and I've been using AMC for a long time. I did it before many times and it perfectly worked. Now I did it again and it doesn't work : ))
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Post by bad4u »

After a quick view on the html code, it seems the page changed something and the script needs some modifications. The search line itself still works when you test it on firefox, but the script cannot find some lines it will be searching for then (i.e. BeginPos does not work while EndPos still works).
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Post by antp »

It would be bad luck that the site changed just when reinstalling the program :D
I can't test right now the two other scripts that you named, I'll try this evening except if bad4u test these before.
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Post by bad4u »

Seems these are quite old scripts from 2006, too. But I cannot test right now, maybe tonight.
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Post by bad4u » (RU) new version 1.3 : ... pic%29.ifs (copy link into new browser window!)

Not sure if I found all problems, cause it's not easy to deal with russian characters on the site and code.. it seems to work for me now, but test it yourself please.

Btw.. is this page legal ? ;)
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Post by stopkran »

Not sure if I found all problems
I believe you did! It seems working perfectly. I tried one movie and yes it worked! I'll try more later and tell you if there's any bug. Great! How could you do that? Are you a programmer? Is it that hard to understand the script? Could I learn to do that? Just in case if there's any changes in the website in the future. Anyway thanks for helping!
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Post by bad4u »

KinoExpert (RU) new version 1.03 : (copy link into new browser window!)

This one seemed to work for me in general, but I fixed the year & category import (hopefully). Besides I added picture import from if there is no picture from available (i.e. Transformers). There should be a minor error on layout of results list (2 empty lines), but this has no affect on functionality so I did not spend time on it.

Take care that if you have option 'ForceUpdate' set to '0' there MUST be a translated title given, else script will be terminated and you will not see any result.

@stopkran: Sure, everyone could learn to fix or write scripts. It's not that hard if you once have understood how it works (best by examining/fixing an existing script). But it's an advantage if you have some basic knowledge of Pascal or Delphi and maybe html (just for understanding what's going on in script functions).

PS: needs some fixes, too, but no more time to do this now. Maybe another day.. who knows ;)
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Post by stopkran »

I just wanted to ask about but you posted new updated version even before. But I've just tried it and it didn't work for me. Why would that be? Can you check it? But anyway thank you for doing this!
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Post by bad4u »

stopkran wrote:But I've just tried it and it didn't work for me. Why would that be? Can you check it?
It still works for me, only sometimes server seems to be quite slow.

If it does not work for you..

1. make sure you have an original OR a translated title on your movie window BEFORE you start the script (there is no input window when it runs)!
2. you MUST have a translated title on your movie window if you have set script option 'ForceUpdate' to '0' !
3. if you are using XP X64 (64bit version) then try setting moviecatalog.exe to compatibility mode for windows XP or 98 (on Vista X64 there are script problems without that) !

If it still does not work for you, try to give a more precise description about what happens when you start the script (error message/other message windows/hangs/whatever ?).
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Post by bad4u »

Update: blocks ant movie catalog by user agent. No chance to get this script running if you respect their decision.
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Post by stopkran »

Once again addressing Ilya - you once helped me - help again!
If you could write a script for I would really appreciate that. Let me know if you don't have time for it so I wouldn't hope in vain. Thank you in advance!
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