I want lenght field to never be imported when I use a script.Is it possible?
importing info from internet
Sorry, my mistake, I misunderstood your intention.
Well, I only know that on the scripting window you can set 'Modifiable fields' (at the bottom on the right side). If you change Length settings, it will not be imported anymore - but you need to do this once for every script you use (it will be saved then) and - as far as I know - the script has to support the "if CanSetField" condition (I'm not sure about that, but not all scripts use this in their code).
Well, I only know that on the scripting window you can set 'Modifiable fields' (at the bottom on the right side). If you change Length settings, it will not be imported anymore - but you need to do this once for every script you use (it will be saved then) and - as far as I know - the script has to support the "if CanSetField" condition (I'm not sure about that, but not all scripts use this in their code).
Unchecking options in the "modifiable fields" list works on all scriptsbad4u wrote:and - as far as I know - the script has to support the "if CanSetField" condition (I'm not sure about that, but not all scripts use this in their code).

Technical info about that :
When items from that list are unchecked, the "SetField" function has no effect on these.
Actually the "CanSetField" function is there to let the script know if getting info for a field is useful or not: e.g. if getting summary requires downloading a separage, it is not useful to download that page if the use unchecked the field. Same for picture: no need to download it if it is unchecked.
Sure. Delete unwanted scripts from scripts folder.z3us wrote:Another question: is it possible to show only the scripts I want??? As having "favourite scripts"

Or just move them to another folder.
There is another trick you can make scripts invisible on the list - but only on the list that appears when hitting button "Get information -> From internet using a script" (or F6). For that you need to choose a script, open editor mode, hit properties button and change the "Get info from web" value to false. Now the script will show up on the list only when you open "Tools -> Scripting" from the menu (or Shift-F6), not when you click the "Get information" button. Not sure if there's another solution..
Edit: There might be another, even better trick.. choose one of your favorite scripts. Enter editor mode. Hit properties button. You will see a field named 'Site language'. Set this field to "FAV" (or similar) instead of EN (for english) or whatever. Now you can filter the scripts listing via button 'Language filter' for your favourite scripts, but don't forget that these scripts will not show up on the original language any more. This will work on both lists (button and menu).