AMC for wine collections ?
AMC for wine collections ?
Can you help for my wine collection ? I'm not good for program...!
What kind of help do you need ?
I do not know about a modification for wine collection yet, but it is not very hard to do a language file for that in the language you prefer - it costs you only some time, you do not need knowledge in programming
Just take the english.lng file from the language folder and copy it to a new file (i.e. wine_english.lng), open it with an text editor and start a translation that fits your needs, i.e. "Display the movie list as a large grid with all the movies" should become "Display the wine list as a large grid with all the wines". Change everything behind the '=' on every line from movie to wine. Do not delete the '|' from the lines.
The only thing to care about is the *FRAMES* part in the file. There you will need to name the fields that should appear on your AMC window later. Choose names for the fields that make sense for the wine collection, maybe drinking temperature, age, etc..
After this your wine catalog can be used. Just choose your new lng file and you're ready to go. If you have made a usable .lng file and release it here on forum, maybe someone interested in a wine collection will create an additional script for it, that let's you fetch data from the internet (if there is an appropriate site for this available).
I do not know about a modification for wine collection yet, but it is not very hard to do a language file for that in the language you prefer - it costs you only some time, you do not need knowledge in programming

Just take the english.lng file from the language folder and copy it to a new file (i.e. wine_english.lng), open it with an text editor and start a translation that fits your needs, i.e. "Display the movie list as a large grid with all the movies" should become "Display the wine list as a large grid with all the wines". Change everything behind the '=' on every line from movie to wine. Do not delete the '|' from the lines.
The only thing to care about is the *FRAMES* part in the file. There you will need to name the fields that should appear on your AMC window later. Choose names for the fields that make sense for the wine collection, maybe drinking temperature, age, etc..
After this your wine catalog can be used. Just choose your new lng file and you're ready to go. If you have made a usable .lng file and release it here on forum, maybe someone interested in a wine collection will create an additional script for it, that let's you fetch data from the internet (if there is an appropriate site for this available).
What do you mean with "place a field on window" ? Change the name of a field that you see on the AMC screen ?
Script for wines does not exist yet, and you will need a .lng translation file for wines first, before someone can eventually make a script for a site.
Btw.. if that helps you, I can understand german and antp might help in french on your questions.
Script for wines does not exist yet, and you will need a .lng translation file for wines first, before someone can eventually make a script for a site.
Btw.. if that helps you, I can understand german and antp might help in french on your questions.