Indicating multiple copies of same DVD

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Indicating multiple copies of same DVD

Post by Pavlos »

Hello! I just started using AMC and love it already! :D

I got a silly question I couldn't find an answer to, I hope someone can help?

I happen to have more than one copies of the same movie. For example I had a copy of 5th Element on DVD and then I got another copy as a gift I didn't return. So:

"Is it possible to avoid multiple listings of the same DVD by indicating a number of copies available for each movie?"

If that is not possible, how can I only list each title once on the HTML exported list of my movies?

Thank you!
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Post by antp »

You could simply put the number of dvds in the "disks" field, or put a comment. I do not really see what else could be done actually.
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Joined: 2008-03-05 21:44:58


Post by Pavlos »

Thank you! I guess that would work!

It would be nice if when trying to add a movie title which already exists to get a window asking "Movie already exists, Overwrite? Add? Cancel?", I don't know if that's technically feasible though.

Thanks for the great software! :grinking:
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Post by antp »

Technically it is not so easy as the title is not set when adding movie, it is just one field amongst others that you can modify at any time (eventually by script from web sites).
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