[REQ] Script for Books - ISBN Amazon

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[REQ] Script for Books - ISBN Amazon

Post by Melmoth »

Hi there,

after using Ant Movie Catalog for my movies I want it to manage my books as well because AMC ist simply the best DB solution available (and I really tried hard to find something, even commercial apps for movies or books are nothing compared to it).

So I'm looking for a working script to import data for my book-collection from amazon.de / .com etc. via ISBN (because its the easiest way). All books are English or German. I'm planning to use the Media Type or Video Format field for the ISBN, I guess you need to know this for the script. Creating the mod should be very easy and is not a real problem for me, but the script is something I probably wouldn't master...

Oh, and I just need some basic information, like author, title, publisher, editor, keywords/category, optional stuff that might be great would be picture, comment, etc...

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Post by antp »

For uses others than movies, few things exist and are available in the "Mods" section of the forum, but I do not know if there is something like what you want.
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Post by Melmoth »

Hi antp, once again a swift reply. And you're welcome...

Yes, there is no working script as far as I know, I only know that you can search Amazon via ISBN and that I really do not want to type all infos manually... and this is the reason why I added this request.

The MOD is no problem for me, I'll post it if I have a working script...

:wink: This is a perfect opportunity to create the only working (as far as I know) AntBook for EN DE FR... so - if anybody can give me a hand with that script...

Thanks again,

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Post by bad4u »

Please make a short list, which fields on movie catalog you want to rename for a book catalog (something like Director -> Writer, etc.). Maybe I can help you out when I find time for it.
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Post by Melmoth »

Hey, great you're intrested!

And sorry, it's not a short list...

Here's my changes-List:

* Producer - Editor (Amazon doesn't provide this info, it's stored together with authors, I guess I've to change it manually)
* Country - Author (to manintain a flip down list for authors)
* Catergory - Publisher (to manintain a flip down list for authors)
* Lenght: Pages (I see there a problem, on the page it is e.g. "Paperback: 123 pages"... so it's dynamic, I wouldn't bother if I can't import pages )
* Actors - Keywords (from "popular in these categories" if possible, not very important)
* Video Format - Genere (no info on Amazon... )
* Audio Format - Binding (same problem as length)

*** Very Important: ***
* Resolution - ISBN-10
* Rile Sizes - ISBN-13
--> these are the fields used for the search! It should work like "search ISBN-10 if present, if not go for ISBN-13 "and vice versa...

Fields not translated:
* Source
* Original Title
* Translated title
* Year
* Description
* Comments
* Languages
* Picture

Fields not to be changed by the script
* Media Label - Book ID
* Media Type - Category
* Director - Collection, Series
* URL - wherabouts (no need to change via script)

Fileds I don't need or just delete:
all the others

As you can see I'm trying to end up with a script that fills in as much fields as possible via ISBN only. As source Amazon.DE would be sufficient for my purposes (all my books are available in Germany, many are not available on Amazon.com / co.uk...), alternatively the other Amazons could be included.

My problem is that I have no clue how to do it on my own, I tried hard to understand the other Amazon scripts but I didn't get it... just found some hints on how it basically works (I identified some "get ..." fields but still I don't know to drop a certain field for the search or how it actually searches)... the Mod is no problem, I'm about to finish my LNG-file.

So, if you have the skills to create / edit I'd be very grateful... and I guess there are some people who might like an AntBook Mod with script...

Many thanks in advance,

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Post by bad4u »

I did not forget it, but I need some more time to understand using amazons API. It would be easy to adapt a standard amazon script, but API based will probably never need updates (i.e. when layout of websites changes) and works with localized amazon versions. If you finished a working LNG file you can send it via private message for some testing.
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Post by Melmoth »


I'm still working on the LNG, think I'll finish soon...

By the way, API is the thing THEMike is currently working on... istn't it? If I got it right, by using it you receive your data from the "back end" DB instead from the HTML "front end"... just for curiosity.

Thanks you're still working at it,

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Post by bad4u »

Melmoth wrote:By the way, API is the thing THEMike is currently working on... istn't it? If I got it right, by using it you receive your data from the "back end" DB instead from the HTML "front end"... just for curiosity.

I had finished 75% of the script but found some problems with all german special characters like "üöä" and probably other languages (like é, è, etc), too. This only appears when using the integrated XML parser, so I decided to start a new script, that still uses amazons API but then analyzes the XML file with 'standard' script functions.

A first version should be available this weekend (at least I hope so).
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Post by Melmoth »

Great! :grinking:

I'm really looking forward! Looks like I'm going to get my books organized after a long time of searching an appropriate DB solution - I knew AMC is the answer... combined with the scripting options and this awesome forum.

I've started a MOD thread where I placed the modded LNG file, but I sent it to you anyway...

Thanks a thousand times,

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Post by bad4u »

Hi, I need more infos on some fields.
Melmoth wrote: * Producer - Editor (Amazon doesn't provide this info, it's stored together with authors, I guess I've to change it manually)
* Actors - Keywords (from "popular in these categories" if possible, not very important)
* Video Format - Genere (no info on Amazon... )
* Rile Sizes - ISBN-13
* Source
* Translated title

Fields not to be changed by the script
* URL - wherabouts (no need to change via script)
* Producer / Editor : is it never provided on amazon or can you give an example page/book where I can find that info ?
* Actors / Keywords : please give an example page / book and which words exactly you wish on this field
* VideoFormat / Genre : where did you get this info from, or is it just for personal use ?
* Size / ISBN-13 : should it be stored in format 123-1234567890 or 1231234567890 (amazon uses second format on database, but both is possible)
* Source : what should be stored here ? amazon.de/.com/etc ?
* TranslatedTitle : blank field ? else give an example page / book where I can find a book with original and translated title
* URL : what do you mean with "wherabouts (no need to change via script)" ? script should save titles' amazon URL here, so that you can open amazon's page from your database
* Edition / Auflage : yet missing, on which field should this info be stored ?
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Post by Melmoth »


Amazon doesn't provide all the infos one may want to have, so - if something is not to be found there I have to type it (and not every field is important). Actually I have no idea what this Amazon API provides, but the HTML version and programs like BookCat (uses Amazon via ISBN as import source, that's why I had this idea to use AMC in the same way) gave me the ideas how to mod the AMC fields. The following is based on the German HTML version and "A Streetcar Named Desire", ISBN-13: 9783150092408:

* Producer --> Editor: the editor is sometimes listed in the author line (directly beneath the title), like "von Tennessee Williams (Autor), Herbert Geisen (Autor)" whereas the second author is the editor. If both end up in the author field that's only a little mote... When I create my database and enter all my books I'll have to export the data anyway and re-edit everything in Excel and import it back again.

* Actors --> Keywords: the *links* of this entry (product information, last line) "Beliebt in dieser Kategorie: #3 in Bücher > Belletristik > Dramen > Berühmte Dramatiker, R-Z > Williams, Tennessee". That's just a fancy idea to tag my books, if it doesn't work I wouldn't bother, the keywords are not too good anyway

* VideoFormat --> Genre: this info is not available at Amazon, but the field is a drop down list, filled with "fiction" "drama" "biography" ... not too much typing.

* Size --> ISBN-13: I guess the ISBN-13 is the new and future version of the old one, for German publications it is preceeded by 978 and then the old ISBN with new suffix. The dashes are not necessary or even confusing for some search apps, the desired format is "9783150092408"

* Source : got recently converted to "collection" like "Pneguin Popular Classics", and again, no infos at Amazon...

* TranslatedTitle: only necessary for translated books, no info available --> blank field

* URL: I don't use the URL field like intended, even my DVD collection stores the location of the DVD and not a www link (as soon as I figure out how to link a "physical" DVD and make AMC put it into my DVD player I'll change my mind), so I think this field is redundant and tells me where the book is (like bookshelf next to the door). this info will (hopefully) never be available at Amazon....

* Edition / Auflage: not available as far as I know, there is the date of first publication but nothing else. And no more fields are available in AMC, could only go to Audio- or Video-Format KBPS... good idea to include, necessary for quotations... totally forgot about it

Another Idea: the old ISBN (10) will get obsolete (I guess), and Amazon doesn't care about the version, so it might be easier to have only one ISBN-field which stores the ISBN-13 if available and the -10 if not... I mean for the search routine, there would only be one field to search for and not this "get info form ISBN-13 if available, if not go for ISBN-10"

As you can see I want to gain as much info as possible, but if something is not available it is simply not available.

Thanks again for your effort and support,


PS: sent you a csv sample via PN, maybe more helpful...
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Post by bad4u »

As promised, here's a first pre release of the script, that has NOT been finished yet and might still contain bugs.

AmazonBooks 0.8.0: http://www.bad4u.741.com/beta/AmazonBooks.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

I'll finish it the next days.
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Post by Melmoth »

Here it is! Great! The options look promising, just like what I was looking for.

Unfortunately AMC thinks it's erroneous, I get
Script error in "AMAZONBOOKS": unit is not found at line 11

Whatever that means, it says

Code: Select all

there, I guess that's not a unit...

However, it's a beta.


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Post by bad4u »

Seems you deleted StringUtils1.pas from the scripts folder. Download it from http://update.antp.be/amc/scripts/archi ... Utils1.pas or via [ UPDATE_SCRIPTS ] script (this one should not be deleted either) ;)
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Post by Melmoth »

Hooray! :grinking:

Yep, I deleted it, cleared the whole scripts folder in my AMC spawn now called working ABC with script.

Awesome piece of work! Fantastic, I enter ISBN, most fields get filled, thank you so very much - this is a tailor-made DB solution by now!

Your's gratefully

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Post by bad4u »

What will be changed on final release (if possible) :

- add more editorial reviews and/or summary to description field
- add nicknames on customer comments
- option for enhanced title search (currently it uses keywords search only)
- add search for english books on amazon.de/.fr/.jp
- perhaps add some keywords to actors field

If Edition ('Auflage') should be imported, I need to know on which field (it is available, at least on amazon.de).

Let me know if I forgot anything.
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Post by Melmoth »

Sounds fine,

if edition can be inserted it could go to
- ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 becomes ISBN-10/-13
- Volumes

let me know which option is the easiest to implement...

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Post by bad4u »

I had no time to finish the script yet, but here's a new version that should be very close to final script version.

AmazonBooks 0.9.0: http://www.bad4u.741.com/beta/AmazonBooks.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

New features:
- enhanced results list that shows binding, author and publisher
- added nickname and location on customer comments
- improved title search (optional)
- search for foreign books on .de/.fr/.jp/.ca ('find more' button on results list)
- automatic search on foreign books if title or ISBN has not been found on default search
- keywords import (optional)
- edition import to 'volumes' field

@Melmoth: Maybe you could rename 'volumes' to 'edition' on the language file?
Btw. ISBN 10 and ISBN 13 is not always the same number (with just a prefix added), so it's not useful to get rid of ISBN 10 field. Many books on amazon.com have slightly different numbers and as it supports different localized amazon versions, the script should fit for all users (and so should the .lng file).

If someone finds bugs please name the book and local amazon version. Thanks.
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Post by Melmoth »

OK - then ISBNs remain...

I'll give the translation a shot as soon as I find the time for it. And a German translation is in progress (does it matter for the script if I rename fields? I guess not... but tell me if it does)

As soon as I'm finished you will find the translation in this threat again:

by the way, is there a way to gather the authors in the "last name, first name(s)" format? ... could save a lot of manual editing, but if amazon "flags" the last names (which I doubt)... I hope my constant requesting doesn't freak you out... sorry...
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Post by bad4u »

Melmoth wrote:And a German translation is in progress (does it matter for the script if I rename fields? I guess not... but tell me if it does)
What do you mean by rename fields ? If you are only talking about the german translation of a field name, it should be translated - the script itself does not care about what the translation file contains. If you are thinking of changing the meaning of fields (i.e. author -> Publisher/Verlag) it will not work with the current script any more. ;)

About authors name: The script imports the name in same format that API delivers the name(s). It should be possible to add an option that changes the format, but the script cannot detect the correct last name - i.e. Mary Summer Rain would fail and appear as Rain, Mary Summer.
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