PK's MovieDB Release.V3.0 (Dynamic PHP View)
I see .. Firefox again
The URL is also available when clicking on the IMDB stars. So if you don't need the URL printed simply remove the complete following line from "details.tpl" (line #39):
Otherwise you may need to add the width parameter to the table definition for the second column. Line 37 has a width definition for the first column but not for the second one. So change line #37 to:
The width of the first column is 120 and the width of the second one is 260 (hope this works, I haven't tested it).
But like I said in my previous post, I'm not satisfied with the details template yet. And it also depends heavily on the user data what to display and how to display it.
Don't be afraid to experiment with the templates. This thread holds a lot of examples like:
The URL is also available when clicking on the IMDB stars. So if you don't need the URL printed simply remove the complete following line from "details.tpl" (line #39):
Code: Select all
<tr><td><div class='url'><b>$LANG[URL]: </b></td><td><a href='$MOVIE[URL]'>$MOVIE[URL]</a></div></td><tr>
Code: Select all
<tr><td width=120><div class='year'><b>$LANG[YEAR]: </b></td><td width=260><a href='$MOVIE[YEAR_HREF]'>$MOVIE[YEAR]</a></div></td><tr>
But like I said in my previous post, I'm not satisfied with the details template yet. And it also depends heavily on the user data what to display and how to display it.
Don't be afraid to experiment with the templates. This thread holds a lot of examples like:
You should have a sub-directory called "antexport" (see also the option "ant_export_dir" in If not then create the directory.
Export your movies from AMC to a SQL file and put the SQL file and all images into the ant_export_dir. Make sure you have the option "auto_import" set to "TRUE" in
The next time your access the MovieDB with your browser the SQL file should be imported into your database. While importing, the additional column "PERIOD" will be created and filled.
This is done by the function "_auto_import_ant_export" in the file mdb3.php.
You should have a sub-directory called "antexport" (see also the option "ant_export_dir" in If not then create the directory.
Export your movies from AMC to a SQL file and put the SQL file and all images into the ant_export_dir. Make sure you have the option "auto_import" set to "TRUE" in
The next time your access the MovieDB with your browser the SQL file should be imported into your database. While importing, the additional column "PERIOD" will be created and filled.
This is done by the function "_auto_import_ant_export" in the file mdb3.php.
Hi all,
I want to click to the translate title for more informations, but the translate title is not a link. Which files i should modify?
I've got a second problem, i want to delete languages, subtibles,video format,filesize and disks. And i want to add media type.
Thanks a lot
PS : Sorry for my english, i'm french.
PS2 : I use Fl0yd template
I want to click to the translate title for more informations, but the translate title is not a link. Which files i should modify?
I've got a second problem, i want to delete languages, subtibles,video format,filesize and disks. And i want to add media type.
Thanks a lot
PS : Sorry for my english, i'm french.
PS2 : I use Fl0yd template
I'm new in this forum and just started playing around with Ant Templates. My favorite is the one from Nicolas R. (
I don't have a lot of knowlege of php and html, so I already spend quite a lot of time reading and trying until I got the Database running.
Now I have a few questions how to modify some features.
I would like to know how to change the logo. The original says "Portfolio - Films, spetacles & series", but since I'm german, I would like to create a new one and change it. (I would create one, which has the same dimensions)
I want to sort all the Movies after the Translated Titel and not after the original titel.
How can I change the max. titels shown on the mainpage from 16/24/32 to something higher like 25/50/100
I would like to delete and add some informations.
- In the main window the functions:
Sort By Year and Sort By Length
- In the detail view of the movies:
- Producer
- Subtitels
- Video Format
- Resolution
In the detail view of the movies:
- Discs
- Link (only if it's possible not to show the hole url)
Then I have some errors: (In the detail view of the movies)
- Media
The field Media is empty. How can I import the information from Ant, like DVD, VHS?
- Date Added
The Date of all movies is the same. It allways says "01-01-1970" ??
The last thing just a question. Where do you import your informations from, that you get the Rolename of the actors? I tried a couple of scripts already, but from none of them I could get the Rolenames...
So I know these are a lot of questions, but maybe somebody knows how to fix these things and is willing to help me.
Ok I found out how to change the max shown titels on the main page. So 3) is ok..
*Edit 2*
I found out how to change the logo. So 1) is done as well...
I'm new in this forum and just started playing around with Ant Templates. My favorite is the one from Nicolas R. (
I don't have a lot of knowlege of php and html, so I already spend quite a lot of time reading and trying until I got the Database running.
Now I have a few questions how to modify some features.
I would like to know how to change the logo. The original says "Portfolio - Films, spetacles & series", but since I'm german, I would like to create a new one and change it. (I would create one, which has the same dimensions)
I want to sort all the Movies after the Translated Titel and not after the original titel.
How can I change the max. titels shown on the mainpage from 16/24/32 to something higher like 25/50/100
I would like to delete and add some informations.
- In the main window the functions:
Sort By Year and Sort By Length
- In the detail view of the movies:
- Producer
- Subtitels
- Video Format
- Resolution
In the detail view of the movies:
- Discs
- Link (only if it's possible not to show the hole url)
Then I have some errors: (In the detail view of the movies)
- Media
The field Media is empty. How can I import the information from Ant, like DVD, VHS?
- Date Added
The Date of all movies is the same. It allways says "01-01-1970" ??
The last thing just a question. Where do you import your informations from, that you get the Rolename of the actors? I tried a couple of scripts already, but from none of them I could get the Rolenames...
So I know these are a lot of questions, but maybe somebody knows how to fix these things and is willing to help me.
Ok I found out how to change the max shown titels on the main page. So 3) is ok..
*Edit 2*
I found out how to change the logo. So 1) is done as well...
First, a very Big Thank you to Both Ant Movie Catalog creator(s) and PKMovie Database !!!
I get both and worked quit a lot on it to input all my movies, but more above to understand how I could modify PKMovie to suits me. Seems I found my way. But just after, I found this topic's page 17 with last relaease that contain file , just after I made my own one
Never mind, I used my custom version to replicate my customs on your last version, and here is what it gives :
I'm quit satisfied, but what I would be please to reach is what I see on
on the left side : all sort little panels (categories, countries, media type) show lists that are sorted according to alphabetic order ?! How do we get that ?
I would be glad to have explanations because I'm not Php familiar ...
In the same way, would it be possible to have the yeas listed from the newer at the top to the older at the bottom ?
Of course, if my customizations interested anyone I think I could post it over there, there are mainly :
1/ Showing Translated Title in place and format of Original Title and vice versa, but without the trick of filling Ant Movie Catalog database with the one in place of the other (as far as these field are perfectly filled by DVDFR script it would be too much work)
2/ Adding languages audio formats and subtiltles on detail_list
3/ Adding languages, subtitles, audio formats, resolution and disks on detail, and also changing the translated Title as http link instead of showing the link itself.
================== version française ======================
Tout d'abord un gros Merci aux créateurs de Ant Movie Catalog et de PKMovie Database !!!!
J'ai récupéré les deux et pas mal travaillé dessus pour saisir tout mes films, mais surtout pour comprendre comment je pouvais modifier PKMovie pour que ça me convienne. Il semble que j'ai trouvé ce que je voulais. Mais après j'ai lu la page 17 de ce topic avec la dernière relase qui inclus le fichier, alors que je venais juste de me faire le miens
Enfin bon, j'ai utiliser ma version personalisée pour personaliser votre dernière release et voici ce que ça donne :
J'ensuis assez satisfait, mais ce que j'aimerais obtenir c'est que que je vois sur
sur la gauche : tous les petits panneau de critères de tri (catégories, pays, types de supports) montrent des listes qui sont triées par ordre alphabétique ?! comment fait-on cela ?
Je serais ravi d'avoir les explications parce que j'y connais rien en Php ...
De la même façon, serait-il possible d'avoir les années de la plus récente en haut à la plus ancienne en bas ?
Bien sur, si ma customisation intéresse quelqu'un je pense que je pourrais les poster ici, il y a principalement :
1/ Affiché le titre traduit au format et la place du titre original, et inversement, mais sans la ruse qui consiste à alimenter la base Ant Movie Catalog avec l'un à la place de l'autre ( comme ces champs sont bien rempli par le script DVDFR ça ferait trop de boulot)
2/ Ajout des format audio deslangages, et des sous-titre sur la vue détail de la liste
3/ Ajout des format audio, deslangages, des sous-titres, de la résolution, et du nombre de disque sur la page de détail d'un film, et transformer le Titre traduit en lien html au lieu d'afficher le lien lui même.
I get both and worked quit a lot on it to input all my movies, but more above to understand how I could modify PKMovie to suits me. Seems I found my way. But just after, I found this topic's page 17 with last relaease that contain file , just after I made my own one
Never mind, I used my custom version to replicate my customs on your last version, and here is what it gives :
I'm quit satisfied, but what I would be please to reach is what I see on
on the left side : all sort little panels (categories, countries, media type) show lists that are sorted according to alphabetic order ?! How do we get that ?
I would be glad to have explanations because I'm not Php familiar ...
In the same way, would it be possible to have the yeas listed from the newer at the top to the older at the bottom ?
Of course, if my customizations interested anyone I think I could post it over there, there are mainly :
1/ Showing Translated Title in place and format of Original Title and vice versa, but without the trick of filling Ant Movie Catalog database with the one in place of the other (as far as these field are perfectly filled by DVDFR script it would be too much work)
2/ Adding languages audio formats and subtiltles on detail_list
3/ Adding languages, subtitles, audio formats, resolution and disks on detail, and also changing the translated Title as http link instead of showing the link itself.
================== version française ======================
Tout d'abord un gros Merci aux créateurs de Ant Movie Catalog et de PKMovie Database !!!!
J'ai récupéré les deux et pas mal travaillé dessus pour saisir tout mes films, mais surtout pour comprendre comment je pouvais modifier PKMovie pour que ça me convienne. Il semble que j'ai trouvé ce que je voulais. Mais après j'ai lu la page 17 de ce topic avec la dernière relase qui inclus le fichier, alors que je venais juste de me faire le miens
Enfin bon, j'ai utiliser ma version personalisée pour personaliser votre dernière release et voici ce que ça donne :
J'ensuis assez satisfait, mais ce que j'aimerais obtenir c'est que que je vois sur
sur la gauche : tous les petits panneau de critères de tri (catégories, pays, types de supports) montrent des listes qui sont triées par ordre alphabétique ?! comment fait-on cela ?
Je serais ravi d'avoir les explications parce que j'y connais rien en Php ...
De la même façon, serait-il possible d'avoir les années de la plus récente en haut à la plus ancienne en bas ?
Bien sur, si ma customisation intéresse quelqu'un je pense que je pourrais les poster ici, il y a principalement :
1/ Affiché le titre traduit au format et la place du titre original, et inversement, mais sans la ruse qui consiste à alimenter la base Ant Movie Catalog avec l'un à la place de l'autre ( comme ces champs sont bien rempli par le script DVDFR ça ferait trop de boulot)
2/ Ajout des format audio deslangages, et des sous-titre sur la vue détail de la liste
3/ Ajout des format audio, deslangages, des sous-titres, de la résolution, et du nombre de disque sur la page de détail d'un film, et transformer le Titre traduit en lien html au lieu d'afficher le lien lui même.
Sorry Surflife can't help you. I have still two outstanding questions myself.
The first Problem is the wrong date.
I found out that the problem is not in the code of the database. (I compared bouth codes from Nicolas R and floyd and got the same error)
The problem is, I think, in the mysql-database. When I create a new database in phpmyadmin and import the sql-file from Ant (in this file the information of the date is correct e.g. VALUES ('03/02/2008', ... )
If I look in the imported table I find all informations which I exported from Ant BESIDES the date!! In the column 'DATEADD' is only shown '0000-00-00'...
If I add a date manualy in this tabel, the correct date is also shown in my database.
So there must be a error in the importing process of the sql-file in the sql database.
If anybody knows what the problem causes, please let me know!
The second question is, how you import the role names of the actors in your database?
I'm using the newest version of Ant ( and XAMPP (1.6.5).
The first Problem is the wrong date.
I found out that the problem is not in the code of the database. (I compared bouth codes from Nicolas R and floyd and got the same error)
The problem is, I think, in the mysql-database. When I create a new database in phpmyadmin and import the sql-file from Ant (in this file the information of the date is correct e.g. VALUES ('03/02/2008', ... )
If I look in the imported table I find all informations which I exported from Ant BESIDES the date!! In the column 'DATEADD' is only shown '0000-00-00'...
If I add a date manualy in this tabel, the correct date is also shown in my database.
So there must be a error in the importing process of the sql-file in the sql database.
If anybody knows what the problem causes, please let me know!
The second question is, how you import the role names of the actors in your database?
I'm using the newest version of Ant ( and XAMPP (1.6.5).
1. this is down to how you export the date from Ante. do the followinglebowski wrote:I have still two outstanding questions myself.
1. the wrong date.
2. The second question is, how you import the role names of the actors in your database?
I'm using the newest version of Ant ( and XAMPP (1.6.5).
F10 --> Export
check that the DATE FORMAT setting is set to YYYY - MM - DD
2. Actors name, makes sure that the actors are stored as comma delimited fields eg
real name (role name), real name (role name).... etc
if you're using the IMDB script sett the ACTORS LAYOUT to option 2
The side panel only sort Alphabetically if you use PHP5.Surflife wrote:on the left side : all sort little panels (categories, countries, media type) show lists that are sorted according to alphabetic order ?! How do we get that ?
I would be glad to have explanations because I'm not Php familiar ...
hope that helps.
Thank you Kazgor,
I'm in PHP 5, but I didn't know that with my provider (Free) it is needed to add the following line in a .htaccess file located in the root directory of the website :
to really get the use of Php 5 instead of Php 4 !
That's work fine now
=========== pour le français =====
Sur Free, pour activer Php 5 , il faut créer à la racine de votre site PKMovie un fichier nommé .htaccess qui contient la ligne suivante
I'm in PHP 5, but I didn't know that with my provider (Free) it is needed to add the following line in a .htaccess file located in the root directory of the website :
php 5
to really get the use of Php 5 instead of Php 4 !
That's work fine now
=========== pour le français =====
Sur Free, pour activer Php 5 , il faut créer à la racine de votre site PKMovie un fichier nommé .htaccess qui contient la ligne suivante
php 5
@Surflife :
Can you help me please, you do everything i want, Translate title instead of original title and modifications on film details. How you do this ? What files you modify ? I use Fl0yd template.
Peux tu m'aider stp, tu à fait ce que je voulai , le titre original au lieu du titre traduit et les modifications sur les fiches des films. Comment à tu fait ? Quel fichier à tu modifié ? J'utilise le template de Fl0yd.
@Surflife :
Can you help me please, you do everything i want, Translate title instead of original title and modifications on film details. How you do this ? What files you modify ? I use Fl0yd template.
Peux tu m'aider stp, tu à fait ce que je voulai , le titre original au lieu du titre traduit et les modifications sur les fiches des films. Comment à tu fait ? Quel fichier à tu modifié ? J'utilise le template de Fl0yd.
Im little unsure what people want to do with the translated title. if someone could give an example how they see this working i might get an idea and help do the mod.
Just a thought, can't you do the following?
F10 --> Movies List --> Title Formatting
and change it so its set to
Translated Title (original title)
Im little unsure what people want to do with the translated title. if someone could give an example how they see this working i might get an idea and help do the mod.
Just a thought, can't you do the following?
F10 --> Movies List --> Title Formatting
and change it so its set to
Translated Title (original title)
@Kazgor =>
I already used the "F10 -> Movie List -> Title formating" but that change only in Ant Movie Catalog
but what we want is that in the web site provided by PKMovie, the Translated Title appears as the main one (Bold and big size) and the original Title appears as the secondary one. So exactly the inverse of the PKMovie originale version.
I did it just by changing properties of both in the style.css file, and by inversing the order og the concerned lines in the detail_list.tpl /detail.tpl and changing the list.tpl to get translated title instead of original Title.
You can see exemple of result on my "test web site"
(search for movie "Robin des bois, prince des voleurs" to have one that is totally filled)
As you'll see, I also added some informations on detail_list.tpl as well as on detail.tpl
That is done from ...
with my customs.
I can provide you a zip of my version if you like to have it and provide it
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
J'ai déjà utilisé "F10 -> Movie List -> Title formating" mais ça ne change que dans Ant Movie Catalog
Mais ce que nous voulons c'est que sur le site Web fait par PKMovie, le tritre Traduit apparaisse comme le principal (en gras et gros caractères) and le titre original apparaisse en secondaire.
J'ai obtenu cela en changeant les propriétés des deux dans le style.css, et en inversant l'ordre des lignes concernées dans detail_list.tpl / detail.tpl et en changeant le list.tpl pour avoir le tritre traduit au lieu du titre original.
Vous pouvez voir un exemple sur mon "site de test"
(recherchez le titre "Robin des bois, prince des voleurs" pour avoir un exemple complet
C'est fait à partir du ...
après (mes) modification
Je peux fournir le zip de ma version si ça intéresse et si ça peut être mettre mis à disposition ici pour les autres.
je peux te faire ça ce soir, ou tout simplement comme je dois le faire pour un ou deux potes, refaire un zip complet
de PKMovie incluant mes modifs, que je metterais à dispo en téléchargement.
@Kazgor =>
I already used the "F10 -> Movie List -> Title formating" but that change only in Ant Movie Catalog
but what we want is that in the web site provided by PKMovie, the Translated Title appears as the main one (Bold and big size) and the original Title appears as the secondary one. So exactly the inverse of the PKMovie originale version.
I did it just by changing properties of both in the style.css file, and by inversing the order og the concerned lines in the detail_list.tpl /detail.tpl and changing the list.tpl to get translated title instead of original Title.
You can see exemple of result on my "test web site"
(search for movie "Robin des bois, prince des voleurs" to have one that is totally filled)
As you'll see, I also added some informations on detail_list.tpl as well as on detail.tpl
That is done from ...
with my customs.
I can provide you a zip of my version if you like to have it and provide it
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
J'ai déjà utilisé "F10 -> Movie List -> Title formating" mais ça ne change que dans Ant Movie Catalog
Mais ce que nous voulons c'est que sur le site Web fait par PKMovie, le tritre Traduit apparaisse comme le principal (en gras et gros caractères) and le titre original apparaisse en secondaire.
J'ai obtenu cela en changeant les propriétés des deux dans le style.css, et en inversant l'ordre des lignes concernées dans detail_list.tpl / detail.tpl et en changeant le list.tpl pour avoir le tritre traduit au lieu du titre original.
Vous pouvez voir un exemple sur mon "site de test"
(recherchez le titre "Robin des bois, prince des voleurs" pour avoir un exemple complet
C'est fait à partir du ...
après (mes) modification
Je peux fournir le zip de ma version si ça intéresse et si ça peut être mettre mis à disposition ici pour les autres.
je peux te faire ça ce soir, ou tout simplement comme je dois le faire pour un ou deux potes, refaire un zip complet
de PKMovie incluant mes modifs, que je metterais à dispo en téléchargement.
Hi all, first of all, thanks a lot for both antmovie and the PKmovie db.
I do need a little help on configuring the template.
What I'm trying to do is to setup a local web server to run the template and it doesn't work.
To run the local server I'm using usb webserver 7.0.
I've setup a new sql database called moviedb and a table call movies and done the import/export process without problem.
Then I tried to do the template setup in this way:
Note that the default id password to access the usb webserver is root/usbw
and I get this:
I'm quite shure this is linked with the sql server location, but don't know what to specify. If someone could help I will appreciate.
Solution found: The problem was coming from the firewall on my config that was bloking the standard port for mysql queries.
I do need a little help on configuring the template.
What I'm trying to do is to setup a local web server to run the template and it doesn't work.
To run the local server I'm using usb webserver 7.0.
I've setup a new sql database called moviedb and a table call movies and done the import/export process without problem.
Then I tried to do the template setup in this way:
Code: Select all
$this->config['mysql']['server'] = "localhost";
$this->config['mysql']['username'] = "root";
$this->config['mysql']['password'] = "usbw";
$this->config['mysql']['database'] = "moviesdb";
$this->config['mysql']['table'] = "movies";
and I get this:
Code: Select all
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) in D:\UsbWebserver\Root\moviedb\ on line 31
Cannot connect to database localhost with login root.
Solution found: The problem was coming from the firewall on my config that was bloking the standard port for mysql queries.
I'm not 100% shure but it seem that there is an error in the mdb3.php provided by Fl0yd on 20080106.
The line 360:should be
Quotes arround the NUM
The line 360:
Code: Select all
array_push($nummovies, $row[NUM]);
Code: Select all
array_push($nummovies, $row['NUM']);
@XPect => I use same version, it works fine with
@ all
I have a bug, as you can see on my test site
left side, languages, sound format or subtitles shows greater value for some items than the real all movies numbers ?
For exemple you can see french 111 despite there is 94 movies.
So I guess when it search for the number of item, as some DVD as several time "french" in languages because having french in Dolby Digital 5.1 and in DTS or Dolby 2.0, it does not get it as one occurence ...
Same for sound format ( and subtitles)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
à tous
j'ai visiblement un bug , visible sur mon site test,
sur la gauche, les langages, les format audio ou les soustitres montrent sur certaines lignes plus d'occurence qu'il n'y a de films ?
Par exemple pour le français on voit 111 alors qu'il n'y a que 94 films.
Je suppose que comme certains DVD ont plusieurs fois le français mais sur différent format comme Dolby Digital 5.1 et DTS ou Dolby 2.0, il les prends tous au lieu de considérer une seule occurrence ...
pareil pour les autres rubriques ...
@XPect => I use same version, it works fine with
According to your error message, I would rather look for an error in your database connection parameters, root/usbw is MySQL database user account ?? because reading your explanation it sound to be Linux user account and password, and a newly created MySQL database have no password value unless you changed it (if I'm not wrong)array_push($nummovies, $row[NUM]);
@ all
I have a bug, as you can see on my test site
left side, languages, sound format or subtitles shows greater value for some items than the real all movies numbers ?
For exemple you can see french 111 despite there is 94 movies.
So I guess when it search for the number of item, as some DVD as several time "french" in languages because having french in Dolby Digital 5.1 and in DTS or Dolby 2.0, it does not get it as one occurence ...
Same for sound format ( and subtitles)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
à tous
j'ai visiblement un bug , visible sur mon site test,
sur la gauche, les langages, les format audio ou les soustitres montrent sur certaines lignes plus d'occurence qu'il n'y a de films ?
Par exemple pour le français on voit 111 alors qu'il n'y a que 94 films.
Je suppose que comme certains DVD ont plusieurs fois le français mais sur différent format comme Dolby Digital 5.1 et DTS ou Dolby 2.0, il les prends tous au lieu de considérer une seule occurrence ...
pareil pour les autres rubriques ...
@Surflife : Je veux bien ton fichier retouché stp et si tu peux me donner le code à modifier pour les détails des films au cas ou j'aimerai changer plus tard.@xaxgo
je peux te faire ça ce soir, ou tout simplement comme je dois le faire pour un ou deux potes, refaire un zip complet
de PKMovie incluant mes modifs, que je metterais à dispo en téléchargement.
Merci d'avance