when a title has 'The'

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when a title has 'The'

Post by njdvdguy »

I was a long time user of the last version of AMC, I ran it off of a RAMdvd disc so I can work on one disc/ one database ( had the application installed fully on the disc, )on my different puters that had ram drives ( desktop and laptop) in the future I am going to use a usb drive so I can use anyones puter. well my disc got messed up by my 2 yr old.
SO I downloaded the lates version today, luckily I just emailed my databae to a family member, so I was able to get a back up of my databae missing only a few dozen movies.
when I would add mives into the databae when using the older version , when a movie had "THE" in the title it would automatically move "THE" to the end of the title after a comma,, now when I opened my database in the new version all the movies with "THE" in the title are listed in the alphabetical place with the "T"s and now the titles start with the "THE"?

how can I re-organize for it to go back to how I used to have it with "THE" at the end?

thanks for any help
(i tried using the search on the forum to see if anyone ele asked this so I would not have to post, couldnt find it so sorry if this is a commonly asked thing??)
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Post by bad4u »

You can choose title formatting on the AMC preferences: Tools -> Preferences -> Movie List -> Title formatting -> Put following prefixes on the end of the title
Posts: 5
Joined: 2008-02-10 20:00:29
Location: NJ,USA

Post by njdvdguy »

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