Nem működik az xpress.hu script, valaki tud segíteni?
You are right, but neither the current script does nor the previous version had a function to show multiple result pages.pamp wrote:Bad4u! It's work, but more hits it shows only first page.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
I've got the latest version, I can reach the webpage. If I tried with the original version included in the install, it reported that no movies were found. But now nothing. I can use another scripts so its probably not my firewall.bad4u wrote:Still working fine here..
Make sure you have downloaded latest version 1.3.2 using "Update_Scripts" or manually from http://update.antp.be/amc/scripts/ . You can find your current version when you select the script on the scripts list and look on the left bottom corner.
If you have latest version make sure you can reach xpress.hu with your browser. There might also be problems if you installed some kind of antivirus/firewall software, that blocks AMC (to check this, try other scripts).
Thx, it isn't better. I tried so many films:(bad4u wrote:Please try this version:
http://www.bad4u.741.com/beta/xpress.hu_132b.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)
I've modified the search line a little bit in this version.
Btw.. have you tried different films or is it only one film ?
bad4u wrote:Yeah, that's why I'd like to see the debug textfiles, so that I can compare them to my own ones. It would be of special interest, if it should be a Vista/64 problem, cause then it could affect other scripts, too