Animenfo script

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Animenfo script

Post by Zick »

Hello everyone.
1. I wanted to say that developers made a wonderful program. good job!
2. Seems that for me animenfo script that came with AMC 3.5.1 doesnt work. Can anyone check it? maybe there is already a fix for it. tnx in advance
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Post by antp »

1. Thanks.
2. As far as I know there is no more recent version of this one.
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

I fixed the search results list to have a short look on the import section, but the script needs a complete overwork on all fields, because it does not import anything. Maybe someone else finds time for this.

Btw.. the code of the script is a little bit - hmm - unclear or chaotic, because "This was slapped together from the script IMDB.." ;)
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