Saving catalog in .amc format with images included

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Saving catalog in .amc format with images included

Post by fulvio53s03 »

After having saved in xml format (not including images to speedup the loading), i'm not able to save in .amc format (including images in the data-base).
help! How can i do it so?
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Post by antp »

Indeed when you save back to .amc the images stay linked like in .xml rather than being re-inserted in the database itself.
If you wish to re-insert them, you can download a small tool for that on called "Image import for Ant Movie Catalog".
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Thanks (as usually) for your quick answer... but I've still problems!
I don'd succeed in going back as your nice procedure tells me it can't get pictures and after trying different strategies (copying the pictures in the folder whre lies the .amc, copying the .amc in the forlder of pictures, openiong the .xms and saving it in format .amc in both folders... my imagination can try no more possibilities) I have the same answer by the utility "cannot open file xxx/.jpg" where xxx is the folder and the image has no name but extension .jpg
Surely there is something wrong in my procedure but.... could you verify your utility?
Thanks, my friend.
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Post by antp »

It works fine for me

- catalog must be in .amc format
- pictures must be where they are suppose to be, this depends on your catalog but usually it is the same folder. If AMC can display these, the utility will find these in the same way.

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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Well, i tried:
1) open mycatalog.xml : I can see the pictures (maybe not all of them, I can't verify as they are too much)
2) save mycatalognew.amc
3) execute images import from amc : it stops after a little while with the same message I said.
Question: how can i know which is the imagine giving problems?
thanks again. :??:
p.s. obviousely, at the end I can go back to the last backup catalog and import the movies then added.
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Post by antp »

Strange. Maybe there is a movie without picture? I may have forget that case...
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

may be the problem is just what you are saying as Surely I have movies without images.
Would you search a solution?
Bye and thanks.
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Post by antp »

I checked in the code, it should not have a problem with movies without images...

I updated the program to add a log at the bottom of the window so it shows details about the movie where an error is found and does not stop there.
Can you download it again and test if it works better (do that on a copy of your catalog, just in case of :D)
If an error is shown, please copy/paste the log contents.
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

Oh well.
I think we got the the end of the question. I got an answer "Movie num=1625, label="DIVX 321", title="La Straordinaria Storia Di Giuseppe Verdi", picture="" : Cannot open file "E:\DVDmania e Fantascienza\Ant Movie Catalog\Catalogo Xml\.jpg". Impossibile trovare il file specificato" but the catalog now is complete, including images.
Thanks, many many thanks.
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Post by antp »

I still wonder why it tries to open that picture, as it is not supposed to do that if "picture" string is empty (which is the case)
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