Newbie questions about filing disks

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Newbie questions about filing disks

Post by Phototaker »

This is my first posting.

I have all of my disks files in a special set of hanging drawers where I had originally sorted them by title name. This makes it easy to find the disk that I want but as I add more titles to my collection it comes an ever increasingly large job to slot new titles into the collection. There must be an easier way to do this without having to move many disks to its new location each time I acquire another title. I could add the titles number to the end of the title but there must be a better way of doing this. Any suggestions?

Also is it possible to add new entries into my collection without the numbers of previously assigned tiles being changed? In other words can the numbering system be locked so that numbers will only change if I wish them to do so?
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Post by antp »

Order your discs by number and use the program to find the number of a given title :D

About your question "can the numbering system be locked so that numbers will only change if I wish them to do so?", I am not sure to see what you mean... the numbers change only when you manually change them, or when you ask the program to renumber the movies (tools->renumber).
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