HELP - Please

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HELP - Please

Post by defne »

I am a new user of 3.5.1 Ant Mov.Cat. prog. and I want to ask a question about "Get Information" utility.

It has two options and one of them is "From internet...".
I have a large number of serial films directed by the same Director and also many films of the same actors.

My question is that; whether its possible to import information from internet of the same Actors / Directors by giving their names once in the field.

For example: When I try to import the whole list of John Wayne or Alfred Hitchcock films by giving their names, the program ask me the specific film name which means I should give all the films name one by one.

Thanks for advance.

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Post by antp »

Currently it is not possible, sorry.
Two problems:
- the script from which you want to import has to be adapted for that
- the scripts cannot add movies to the list, they can only update/add info for the selected movies
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