Tag Support

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Tag Support

Post by butterw »

feature request : a Tag field + a search tags feature

Object : This allows you to create different collections within a single big Ant database and return specifically the desired results (for an html export for instance).

Ex Category : Western + Comedy + My_DVDs
I want to be able to return any sub-group (Western, Comedy or My_DVDs). Unless I'm mistaken, Sort by doesn't work because it doesn't allow a movie to be part of sub-groups.
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

It is possible using search instead of group/sort function (Menu->Movie->Find). Open search function, i.e. choose "Search in field: Category" and mark "Display results" (!), then search for "Thriller" or whatever .. and you will get a list with all films that contain "Thriller" within the category field.

Hint: You can hold search window open all the time and place/stick it on top or bottom of AMCs' window.. works perfect for me.
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Post by antp »

bad4u wrote:"Display results" (!)
Yes, I should rename that to "Filter" :hihi:

You can use at same time that search filter thing and the "group by" feature, which gives you two criteria. But it is quite limited if you want more.

If you just want a tag field, you can use any available field (e.g. media label) and then do the search/filter on that field.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2007-10-29 10:30:34

Post by butterw »

Renaming "Display results" to "Filter results" really couldn't hurt...

Other than that, works great. :grinking:
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