Hola buenas,
Hay alguien que pudiera hacer un script de la pagina DVDGO.com???
Estaria muy agradecido.
Y por otro lado, como se hace para meter nuevos Scripts en el programa???
Gracias de antemano y saludos
Peticion Script
Free translator for hispanic to english ("Spanisch ins Englische"), german to english or french (and some more into german) . Just copy/paste the whole text or an URL to be translated. Far away from a perfect translation, but gives a good idea of what someone is talking about. Just in case you want to know what's going on
Free translator for hispanic to english ("Spanisch ins Englische"), german to english or french (and some more into german) . Just copy/paste the whole text or an URL to be translated. Far away from a perfect translation, but gives a good idea of what someone is talking about. Just in case you want to know what's going on