EAN code field?

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EAN code field?

Post by Balfi »


I have a barcode reader, and I can easily to categorize my DVD films.
But this program don't know EAN code field.
In my oppinion, add to this function (or database modifying) is simple:-))

Thanks, if coders are thinking it:-))
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Post by antp »

Well, you can use one of the existing fields to store the code, e.g. the media label field (which was partially added for that).
The search can be done on any field anyway.
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Post by Balfi »

Oh, this field hungarian translate: kiadó, and is wrong:-(
kiadó = producer. Thanks, and I sending correct language file, if you want:-)
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Post by antp »

The Hungarian translation was outdated anyway (not updates since verson 3.4.3). So it would be great if you could fix the errors and also translate the few items that stayed in English. If you do that, be sure to do it for version 3.5.1, as I added few items. See that message if you were still using version 3.5.0 : viewtopic.php?t=3325
You can also open the English file to be sure that the translation matches the original texts.
If you do not have time for that it is not a problem, though ;)
You can send me the updated file by e-mail when you've finished it, thanks.
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