Je viens d'installer AMC sous Vista et j'ai quelques petits soucis assez mineurs.
1) Lorsque je lance AMC, il n'y a aucune étiquette en face des champs de saisie (Label, Origine, emprunté par, ...). Il faut que j'aille dans Outils, Langues, que je choisisse une autre langue que le français (les étiquettes apparaissent alors dans cette langue), puis une deuxième fois pour choisir le français.
Mais de toute façon, dès que charge mon fichier ou que j'ajoute un film, les étiquettes disparaissent à nouveau.
2) Quand j'essaye de faire [UPDATE SCRIPTS], j'ai un message d'erreur "Cannot open file C:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\Scripts\UPDATE_CHECK.TXT". Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
[FR] Disparition des textes+impossible d'updater les scripts
As I don't speak french, I'll have to answer in english 
1. For missing descriptions look here: viewtopic.php?t=3468
2. Script updates: Unfortunatly I do not have Vista and cannot test this myself.
- Be sure you are running Vista on Administrator Mode ! If not, programs cannot write to the program folders !
-If you don't want to log in as Administrator, you should try to set another scripts folder in your own documents folder and make AMC use this folder for scripts ("Tools-Preferences-Folders-Folder to use for: Load/Save scripts").
Else try the following:
- Try setting option "autodetect_new_scripts" to another option (1 or 2) and try again. Maybe Vista does not support Windows Scripting Host (option 2).
- Look into your scripts folder for the file UPDATE_CHECK.txt. If it is found maybe your computer (or Vista) needs more time to write the file to disk when running the script. Try editing the UPDATE_SCRIPTS.ifs script: On the beginning of the script you will find a line " Time = 1000; // Standard is 1000 (1000ms = 1 second)". Change Time value to "Time=2000", save the script and try again.
- If UPDATE_CHECK.txt does not exist on your scripts folder after you ran the update script, there might be another (yet unknown) problem with Vista.
Please report your results here ! Thanks !

1. For missing descriptions look here: viewtopic.php?t=3468
2. Script updates: Unfortunatly I do not have Vista and cannot test this myself.
- Be sure you are running Vista on Administrator Mode ! If not, programs cannot write to the program folders !
-If you don't want to log in as Administrator, you should try to set another scripts folder in your own documents folder and make AMC use this folder for scripts ("Tools-Preferences-Folders-Folder to use for: Load/Save scripts").
Else try the following:
- Try setting option "autodetect_new_scripts" to another option (1 or 2) and try again. Maybe Vista does not support Windows Scripting Host (option 2).
- Look into your scripts folder for the file UPDATE_CHECK.txt. If it is found maybe your computer (or Vista) needs more time to write the file to disk when running the script. Try editing the UPDATE_SCRIPTS.ifs script: On the beginning of the script you will find a line " Time = 1000; // Standard is 1000 (1000ms = 1 second)". Change Time value to "Time=2000", save the script and try again.
- If UPDATE_CHECK.txt does not exist on your scripts folder after you ran the update script, there might be another (yet unknown) problem with Vista.
Please report your results here ! Thanks !
It may also be due to the fact that by default programs do not have writing rights in their own folder
You could edit "Ant Movie Catalog" folder properties and give to your user the write rights in addition of read.
Cela peut aussi être dû au fait que par défaut le programme n'a pas les droits d'écriture dans son propre dossier
Tu peux tenter de modifier les propriétés du dossier "Ant Movie Catalog" et donner à ton nom d'utilisateur les droits d'écriture en plus de ceux de lecture.

You could edit "Ant Movie Catalog" folder properties and give to your user the write rights in addition of read.
Cela peut aussi être dû au fait que par défaut le programme n'a pas les droits d'écriture dans son propre dossier

Tu peux tenter de modifier les propriétés du dossier "Ant Movie Catalog" et donner à ton nom d'utilisateur les droits d'écriture en plus de ceux de lecture.