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Post by Turtle »

How can I set the font used for screen display of info in AMC ?
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Post by antp »

it is not really an option; but it is possible:

just edit the langage file that you use (english.lng if you use default, then you'll have to use this one instead of the default) and find e.g. the line :

MainWindow.FrmMovie.LOriginalTitle.Caption=Original Title:

This is the line that sets the label in front of the Original Title field
Insert these lines if you want for example change the font type and font size:

MainWindow.FrmMovie.LOriginalTitle.Font.Name=Times New Roman

You'll have to do it for each field that you want to modify

If you want to set the same font to all the fields, instead of inserting a line for each you can simply insert these lines :

MainWindow.FrmMovie.Font.Name=Times New Roman

All the fields will inherit from this.

(in this example the size is not really well chosed since it is a little too big)

A question: why do you want to change the font ?

Post by turtle »

I am playing around a bit with the display. I would like to see actors and roles in two aligned columns. If I can change to a fixed size font I can maybe achieve that by putting a tab between the two values.
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Post by antp »

You can put several tabs but I am not sure that it will be possible to get a real two columns display.
Another solution is to use a fixed-width font for this field (Fixedsys, Courrier New, ...) and to use spaces to align the second column.

Post by turtle »

Okay, with your suggestion I can change the font per label, or for all fields&labels. Is there also a way to set only the font for a datafield ? For example only change the font for the data in the Actors field?
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Post by antp »

Fields have a name beginning with a "E" (Edit...) :
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Post by ZoNi »

antp wrote:it is not really an option; but it is possible:

This is the line that sets the label in front of the Original Title field
Insert these lines if you want for example change the font type and font size:

MainWindow.FrmMovie.LOriginalTitle.Font.Name=Times New Roman
and how about BOLD and ITALIC??? Can that be set here?
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Post by antp »

try with ....Font.Style=
0 for normal
1 for bold
2 for italic
3 for bold+italic
4 for underline
5 for bold+underline
6 for italic+underline
7 for bold+italic+underline
Last edited by antp on 2003-04-06 18:04:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ZoNi »

thanks for quick response!!!

I guess it should be: Font.Style=
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Post by antp »

right ;) I modified it
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Post by ZoNi »

but this doesn't work with my WinXP... ???

actually, when I add this line, NOTHING happens...

any idea?
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Post by antp »

I was not sure it would work... so it does not seem to work :D
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