[PET] Script para importar un csv automáticamente

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[PET] Script para importar un csv automáticamente


Suelo crearme un csv de las pelis que meto en un dvd con el programa "directory lister". Luego importo el csv al antmc, pero me resulta un poco coñazo el tener que definir siempre los campos a importar. Puesto que siempre van en el mismo orden, ¿se podría automatizar esto de alguna manera? :ha:

It's possyble to generate an script for import various fields for a csv in a specific order with no need to define always the fields to import and the order
Thanks :grinking:
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Post by antp »

Since version 3.5.1 (currently beta - see 1st topic in "comments" section of the forum) the fields are automatically detected if they are in the 1st line of the field. In addition, there are "load"/"save" icons for the fields.
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Joined: 2006-12-03 11:01:14


antp wrote:Hi,
Since version 3.5.1 (currently beta - see 1st topic in "comments" section of the forum) the fields are automatically detected if they are in the 1st line of the field. In addition, there are "load"/"save" icons for the fields.
Thanks. I see that already the "problem" has considered. However, I will hope the next stable version to verify it :cool: (i current work with version 3.5.0)

Thanks again :grinking:
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Post by antp »

The 3.5.1 is quite stable I think. The only "problem" is that the translation files are not update for it.
Anyway as the files are compatible you can make more often a backup of your catalog and switch back to the 3.5.0 if you have a problem with the beta version.
Posts: 33
Joined: 2006-12-03 11:01:14


I will try beta version this weekend. However if translation files are not support ¿i can't see my catalog in spanish? :??:
Thanks antp :cool:
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Post by antp »

You can use the translation file from the old version. Only problem is that some words are not translated and that the items of the preferences window moved, so the names won't match to the selected page.
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