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Albetra Boy
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Post by Albetra Boy »

Hi huge fan of your program.

The IBMD has been updated will there be a program update soon, the program does not inout all of the info, missing actors, length of movie, director, and no longer gives you choice of description of movie when there is more then one choice.
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Post by antp »


IMDB script will be updated, of course.
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Post by trekkie »

As a temporary solution and if you are a registered IMDB user, you can
set the appearance layout to the old layout in the user preferences.

also the old layout is available at
so all you need to change in the imdb script is the URL for the search.
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Post by antp »

And does the script work well in that case? (i.e. does the "former" site still has the same old code and not just the same old layout ?)
That would be a nice & easy solution until the script is update for the new layout... :)
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Post by Carty »

what do i have to change?
which url in the script? there are so many :cry:

antp plsssssssss :D
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Post by antp »

There aren't so many...
Replace ALL the "" by ""
I haven't time to check right now but I guess that it would work.
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Post by Carty »

oh thx, there was just one time "" ...

great it works...but it does not import the producer, the rest works fine again.... :mad: :D
Albetra Boy
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Post by Albetra Boy »

thanks for the tip :grinking:
did the preference thing will be good temp fix untill scrip is updated :)
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Post by antp »

Carty wrote:oh thx, there was just one time "" ...
Strange, there are lots of these in my script :??:

Anyway, I did that change in the version that is on
I hope that it will work well until I have time to rewrite the script for the new layout.
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Post by knurpht »

Good idea to add a global variable 'ImdbBaseURL' in the script? You'd have to fill it only once. Or is it correct that you would have to initialize the var in every procedure?
Seems a lot of maintanance since there are a lot of scripts for collecting basically the same data from different servers. There should be a way to make expandable array for all. In case of changes in the layout of one of the online data providing servers, it would be enough to get the new array. One script, adjusting itself by vars would do the job then.
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Post by Carty »


i use the OFDB + IMDB script...not only the IMDB script

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Post by weazle »

Hmm, here it still doent take the rating. Even with the new script which goes to

I hope there will be a final update soon. :-)
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Post by antp »

knurpht wrote:Good idea to add a global variable 'ImdbBaseURL' in the script? You'd have to fill it only once. Or is it correct that you would have to initialize the var in every procedure?
By declaring the variable outside all procedures, it will have to be initialized only once and useable everywhere. I could do that, as it was made with other scripts. But here I just did a search/replace with a text editor :D
Albetra Boy
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Post by Albetra Boy »

antp wrote:
Carty wrote:oh thx, there was just one time "" ...
Strange, there are lots of these in my script :??:

Anyway, I did that change in the version that is on
I hope that it will work well until I have time to rewrite the script for the new layout.
Yea I found at least 6 or 7 that had to be change I'm guessing that there is one for each catagory that you want filled ie actors, title.... but I did this and it seems to work ok as before.

One update when ever you get a chance when running the addition and adding the if there is more then 1 plot outline it does nor input the whole thing ususally just the first line, before your last update when doing the adding you would get a list of the plot's if more then one you could choose the one you want would you be able to put that option back in?

p.s I now nothing about scripts and stuff pretty much "flower pretty" in this kind of stuff grin animated grin lol

so when you have a update you could you please dumb it down for me for when it come time to putting in the updated scrip
thanks smile
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Post by antp »

You mean that it does not ask to select the plot from a list? I think that this is on my to-do list as it was not working anymore.
Albetra Boy
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Post by Albetra Boy »

antp wrote:You mean that it does not ask to select the plot from a list? I think that this is on my to-do list as it was not working anymore.
yup roger that :grinking:
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Post by antp »

I have started to fix the script (and have already fixed some things) but it isn't finished yet. There is more work than what I expected.
So it will be for later, it is not so urgent as the old script still works more or less good, when the URL is changed.
I'll try to finish that this week-end.
Albetra Boy
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Post by Albetra Boy »

antp wrote:I have started to fix the script (and have already fixed some things) but it isn't finished yet. There is more work than what I expected.
So it will be for later, it is not so urgent as the old script still works more or less good, when the URL is changed.
I'll try to finish that this week-end.
great no worrys
the old one is working good with those changes so take yer time :clapping:
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Post by FredBueno »

Hello Antoine,

First of all, MANY THANKS for the new IMDB`s script (I guess we don`t thank you enough for all your work anyway, so just trying to be fair here :-)

That said, there's an annoying problem in IMDB's script since forever and I wonder if this is too hard to solve. The field Producer is being filled with ÌMDB's "written by". Just so you know, this goes way back, even before IMDB`s new layout issues.

Again, many thanks and king regards,

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Post by antp »

I added an option to fill the producer field with the real producer info in the next version of the script. I hope to have time this week-end to finish it.
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