my divx list.amc file was corrupted. and don't open. I tryed another computer, re-install ant movie, rename amc file etc... but doesn't work. Another amc files are working but mine don't
Error message: Cannot identify file type from header. Can you help me...
Thank you for interest!
amc file corrupted
As replied by e-mail, unfortunately I cannot do much. The file is probably really damaged.
Well, I will still add something to what I said in my e-mail: if the file is not too big to be uploaded to internet, is to send it to me. If it is more than 3 or 4 MB you can use a site like www.yousendit.com to send the file to me.
There is no much luck that I can repair the file though.
Well, I will still add something to what I said in my e-mail: if the file is not too big to be uploaded to internet, is to send it to me. If it is more than 3 or 4 MB you can use a site like www.yousendit.com to send the file to me.
There is no much luck that I can repair the file though.
I downloaded it (if I knew that now yousendit requires to register for that, I would have suggested another site), but it seems that I cannot repair it quickly. It is maybe possible, but I do not have much time currently, I'll see later, but I do not know when I will take time for that. You didn't made any backup of your catalog, even some time ago?
Note that seeing the size of the file, it may be better to store pictures as external files rather than in the catalog.
Note that seeing the size of the file, it may be better to store pictures as external files rather than in the catalog.