You mean in the report designer?
Select the elements to align (click on each item while the Ctrl key is pressed) before clicking on an icon of the toolbar.
I'm not sure if thats working for me. Here's what I want to do:
I have over 200 movies. I would like the report to evenly distribute all the titles over 6 columns (Only printing titles) so each column would have 34 titles and the last column 32. Is this possible.
I am trying to create a wallet listing of my titles so i know what I have when I go to purchase new DVDs.
The align palette is just to align the text blocks to have all them at the same height for example.
In your case you have to split the page in 6 columns (this is in one of the report options window, from file menu).
See the 3-column template as example.
OK, I found the work around I selected the #10 envelope and it does what I want. One other thing, If i select any of the custom forms the size windows remain blocked. Is this a bug?
Sorry, It's paper size.. The last 3 items are Custom 1 to 3. I would imagine if any of those are selected , one should be able to enter the size of the paper, No?
These depend on your printer driver, so the size has to be entered in the printer properties I guess.
With mine I do not have these, but the last one of the list is "Cutom..." which allows to enter a size in the boxes below.