[REQ] Merging of scripts (Please!)

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[REQ] Merging of scripts (Please!)

Post by mumpel »

Hi everyone.

I don't have any idea of how to script and code. So I'm looking for someone who can do this for me :-)

I would like to merge several scripts into one.

The idea behind this is to import the informations from the best sites. Today, I need at least three scripts to import an movie properly. As I'm from Germany, I use the following sites: cinefacts.de - for their good DVD facts, ofdb.de - for their rating (it differs to imdb and fits more to my opinion) and comments, and imdb.com - for the movie facts.

In detail it looks like this... Data from cinefacts.de:
  • Translated Title (because I need the original DVD-Title),
    Category (because it's simpler than imdb/ofdb),
    Length (because the DVD length often differs from the cinema version),
    Description (because it's the original DVD description),
    Video Format,
    Audio Format,
    File Size,
    Cover (because they are larger)
Data from imdb.com:
  • Original Title,
Data from ofdb.de:
  • Rating,
So, well... For me it looks like a merge from all three scripts into one. But I don't know how to do this. Can someone do this for me? :cry:

Thank you very much. :grinking:
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Post by antp »

Easiest way is to run the three scripts manually (and for each one uncheck the fields to not import - these are remembered per script), but I guess that you would like to have only one click on "Run" to do?
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

When you are going to fetch data from different websites, there is one problem to solve : it is not possible to choose a film title once and then the script will automatically find all the data on various sites..

Every website delivers a different result page, which you will have to analyze separately and then choose the film title manually. The script cannot decide which film on result page (a) corresponds with which film on result page (b), when more than one result is found.

An exception is the combined OFDB / IMDB script, because on the OFDB website you will find the corresponding IMDB link for the same film. So it is possible to search the OFDB and then get more data from IMDB.

To me it seems that a full 'merging' of scripts is not possible. What you can do is to combine mutiple scripts into one, so once the script is started, it will give you result lists from each website to choose the film from and then fetch certain data from the different sites.
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