Importing from CSV into EXISTING records

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Importing from CSV into EXISTING records

Post by dalanik »


I'm trying to import data that I have in csv file into AMC. no problem there. Assign columns and it works. But (there always is one, isn't there) I already have these records in the database, and I'd need to import only 1 field.

i.e. I have 150 records of tv-show series, without description. I have descriptions in csv file. When I import, I get NEW records, only with description, what I'd need is import in EXISTING records (i.e. if title field matches, or just by number, i.e. import first line in csv to 1st movie in catalogue, etc)

Is this possible?


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Post by antp »

Currently it is not possible.
It is on my to-do list.
It may be added in next version as I rewrote the importation system, but it is not sure.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2006-11-08 12:44:40

Post by dalanik »

OK, thank you, I needed to know if I overlooked something :-)

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