Default sequence and single page!

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Posts: 25
Joined: 2006-08-07 00:21:50

Default sequence and single page!

Post by screach »

I have two questions. I got the latest zip file and uploaded a few images. The example is here -

1.When I click on the image I should get a single detail page instead it just reverts back to the original list.

2.Can the default sequence be changed to 'Title' instead of 'Most Recent'? If so can you point out the code that effects this?

I thought i had all this working. Just these few bugs that are driving me crazy. Any ideas would be great!

thank you,
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Post by antp »

your question is related to that topic I guess: viewtopic.php?t=3044
(you clicked "new topic" instead of "add reply" ;))
Posts: 25
Joined: 2006-08-07 00:21:50

Default sequence and single page!

Post by screach »

Thank you for the help in finding the detail instructions. That helped to change the sequence from Recent to Title as default.

The detail page that opens from the image ( ... db_search=) worked once I reloaded the whole db.

I had exported using INSERT for the new records and updated the db. The update seemed to work fine except the link to the single detail page did not.

I read thru all the help but could not find any info on INSERT vrs. UPDATE. I'm using phpmyadmin.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? It all seemed fine excpet the jump to the detail page did not work instead it just returned to the origianl list page.
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