Problem with the picture variable in the ReportDesigner

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Problem with the picture variable in the ReportDesigner

Post by malco2 »

I want to Simply add a printout for if there is a picture added to the movie or not (to reduce resizing etc which takes forever when all you need is a report so that you know which covers one needs to obtain by scanning :-) ).

I.e. i want a printed movie to look like a one-liner a syntax like this:
<Num> <Title> <IsThereAPictureOrNot>

Now how do i manipulate a field / variable to discover if the [Picture] variable has an picture or not and set this vaiable to the string 'Has Image' when this is true?

Tried This:
Memo part: [tmp1]
Script part:
if ([Picture] <> '') then
tmp1 := 'HasImage'
tmp1 := ''

But i only get "An error occured during calculation of tmp1... Band: Master Data" from trying to print with a template with the tmp1 variable.

What am i doing wrong?

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Post by antp »

I do not think that it is possible to do that, sorry.
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Joined: 2006-10-24 15:02:40

Post by malco2 »

Two questions:
1. Is the problem to ask if the variable '[Picture] != NULL' (pseudo c-syntax)?

If so couldn't it be solved by using a shadow vaiable like PictureName or something like that that isn't a visible field, but could be referenced like that and is of the type string so that my 'example code' could work by using that variable instead of [Picture] ?

2. Wouldn't it be a nice feature to be able to test if the Picture is set or not for future releases of YOUR ABSOLUTLY WONDERFUL AND AMAIZING SOFTWARE?

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Post by antp »

it would be
[Picture] <> nil
I will put on my to-do list that I have to add a special variable for picture info, I'll see if it is easy or not to add.
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