Own Distribution

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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Own Distribution

Post by Spaceball »


I am thinking of an own distribution of the Ant Movie Catalogue. First of all I'd like to ask if this is okay to do so. Since it was released under the GPL it shouldn't be a problem at all but I feel better if I have the confirmation from the author.

My concept will be a special version for Star Wars Video collectors. Here's my concept:
  • - a file with all german Star Wars Releases on the various formats like VHS, Laserdisc, Super 8 etc.

    - If it will be successfull I will expand it with Releases from certain countries like the USA and/or a file for releases on certain formats, like VCD, in seperate save files, for easy updating.

    - a modified html export file for collectors checklists.

    - a redesign of the main window for my needs

    - all files also as a seperate downloads if someone is allready using ant movie catalogue and doesn't want to download the whole package
Therefore I'd like to know if it would be possible to change the start logo, without changing the code of the programm. My intention is to change the scripts and grafics only and not the programm itself. I am not a programmer, so I don't even consider to change anything at all. It will just be a modified version for my purposes.

cu, Spaceball
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Post by antp »

Sure, you can do such version as long as it still carry the original licence info etc.
The start logo is a JPEG stored as text in DFM (Delphi Forms) resources in the exe file. It is probably possible to change it without having to recompile the program, but I do not really know how.
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Joined: 2006-10-22 23:32:31

Post by Spaceball »


thanks for the fast reply. Maybe I can find something through google to change the start picture. Otherwise it shouldn't be that big problem. It will still be the original programm.

I will make the source code, from that version I use, downloadable on my webspace. Everything else will be included in the zip file. Like the GPL describes it.

cu, Spaceball
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Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

Well, if the exe stays the same I guess that you do not have to provide the source code, you can just put a link to my site ;)
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