Create new categories and rename its

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Create new categories and rename its

Post by mizi »

Hi everybody,

At first a big thank for this nice software. Its really great. Second, sorry for my poor English. Now I have a big problem.

I have some DVDs and each DVD contains more than 10 doku-movies. I just tried to create more categories (titles) but I can't find how to create it and how to change the name (because the default name is < none >). See the picture if you cant understand me what I mean.


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Post by antp »

"none" is for the movies that have an empty value for the field. So you have to fill it for these movies.
If you want to do that change for these 12 movies in one time, you can select all movies of that group and then press Shift+F6 (or go to Tools -> Scripting). You can use the script called "Update all fields" to change the category name of the selected movies (or write a small script yourself, see viewtopic.php?t=3169 )
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Post by mizi »

Thanks, but I can't find the option to fill the value.
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Post by antp »

At what point exactly are you blocked?
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Joined: 2006-10-15 08:58:34

Post by mizi »

at this action:
"none" is for the movies that have an empty value for the field. So you have to fill it for these movies.

Can you exactly explain me, which field is this?

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Post by antp »

If you group on categories, for example, "none" is the group of movies where the "category" field is empty. So you have to fill the category field of these movies.
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