Title formatting question

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Title formatting question

Post by rgm »

I don't know if what I'd like to do is currently possible in AMC 3.5.0, so here goes ...

I can change the title formatting in the movie list (currently in the left 'frame', if you will) by checking the Movie List / Title Formatting / Prefix box in Preferences, but the titles in the movie information window (for lack of a better term; the large single movie display in the right 'frame') does not match what is shown in the movie list, in that the prefixes remain at the beginning of the title.

I'd like my XML export to retain the "Title, Prefix" format so that my DVD covers, produced by WebTrack, retain the "Title, Prefix" format.

Is there any way for AMC to retain the desired formatting in either, or both, the movie display and/or XML export file?

Please let me know if I've not made myself clear.
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Post by antp »

Actually the "formatted title" is not stored anywere, as it is dynamically created from the original and translated titles.
That's why it is not shown as a field, and not in the XML file.
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Joined: 2006-09-14 21:32:20

Post by rgm »

OK ... understood.

Any chance that this 'prefix last' formatting in the movie list could be carried over to other lists and XML, as noted? It would be beneficial, at least to me, to not have dozens of movies starting with "A" or "The", for example, when the list is sorted. I tend to look past the prefixes when sorting a list ot titles.

Thanks for for your considertion.
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Post by antp »

Actually it would be the job of the application that displays the XML file to format the title (webtrack in this case).
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