Ant Music Catalog using EnglishMusic.lng language file

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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Ant Music Catalog using EnglishMusic.lng language file

Post by pollewops »


I am using AMC now, using the language file (EnglishMusic.lng) described and given in the following link: viewtopic.php?t=2176
Now I have an Ant Music Catalog and it works great.

But I do have a question and hopefully someone can answer this one.

Is it not possible to modify the language file so that you really can describe tracknames with time and other info in seperate fields.
Now it is all added to the ACTORs field without the time code.
Is ot possible to modify that using the language file or need AMC to be rewritten then ?
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Post by antp »

You can only modify the visibility of the fields and the text displayed, but you can't change the type of the fields or their behaviour.
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Post by pollewops »

There is no hidden feature within the program to still create such a thing :-)
To bad....for me :-)

And is it possible to enlarge the ACTORS screen by using a language file ?
So can you rearrange the AMC look and feel ?
Make ACTORS input screen larger and put it instead of e.g. Comments ?
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Post by antp »

It could be possible, yes.
You would have to use the properties Left, Top, Width and Height. But when the window is resized it may produce strange results as the anchors are maybe different and cannot be changed through the language file I think.
But why not use Comments field rather than Actors field directly ? :D
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Post by pollewops »

You are maybe right....but I am using WebTrack for viewing the results on my webpage and in there you can do standard a search on actors. Not on comments. I can change that..of course, but thought of changing it in AMC.

Is it really difficult for you to insert a (hidden) field within AMC in which you can describe track_number, track_name and track_length.

That would not to difficult for you I think and by that the AMC can be used perfect as Ant Music Catalog !!

Please :-)
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Post by antp »

It is not one field, it requires a list of fields. A list of tracks has to be handled for that.
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Post by pollewops »

So easy for you to create ....or am i pushing to hard then ?

Sorry for my pushing, but I and probably al lot of people like you program and would really like it to use it for music cd's as well.....and I thin the track list (number, name and length) is the main field that is missing.
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Post by antp »

I already do not have enough time to work on the program to add features/fields for cataloging movies, so I won't do anything for cataloging music, sorry :p
If the "actors" field split in a list of tracks (i.e. multiple fields), how will these info be get by the template that you use? It is not so easy...
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Post by pollewops »

To bad :-(

But if AMC could have fields in which you can add tracknumber,trackname and tracklength and it will be written in XML file, the webapplication could get it out there for displaying on the web.

An example of the webapplication which uses the data from AMC is viewable here:

Or maybe an alnernative is that someone could create a script to obtaing cd information from e.g. and place it in the comments field using tracknumber,trackname,tracklength. So seperated by , or something like that...
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