Problem with IMDB Script and Producter field

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Problem with IMDB Script and Producter field

Post by FeKuLa »

When I use the IMDB.ifs script I get all fields correctly but I have a problem with Producter field, in this field the script obtains the writers of the film, example:

Amelie movie ->

Producer field in AMC after of execute the script:
Guillaume Laurant (story) &, Jean-Pierre Jeunet (scenario)

But in IMDB the producters are:

Helmut Breuer, Jean-Marc Deschamps, Arne Meerkamp van Embden, Claudie Ossard

Any idea for fix it?

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Post by antp »

It is not a bug, it was made like that. I do not remember why, by the way :D
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Joined: 2006-02-11 11:03:22

Post by FeKuLa »

Can you help me to modify the script file for extract the -real- producters of IMDB please?
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Post by antp »

Actually I think that the producer was not used because it is not on the main movie page.
I can't help you much more than suggest to see how the current script works :/
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