I only wait for 3-5 seconds, when I open my movielist with about 860 movies and 110 MB. I think you have an other problem, if you wait over 20 minutes.
So Willspo, I wanted to hear that

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . Juhu.
I like to have:
- total length
- total number not, because the movie catalog suported this by html-export, i still use it
- total MB of all movies
- total cds of all movies
- left, where the categories are shown, it would be nice if there is after the category the total of movies in this category. F.e.: Adventure (19)
- changes.txt - because I just copy and customize my transform.xml and style_default.css, because I've made changes which are important for me. But If you don't want to make a .txt - it's absolutely no problem.
Just some ideas. Maybe one of this is usefull for you.
The rest I need, I think no other need it
EDIT: One question: The new version will be without detail-popup???