New Template

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*Guest* - Frau Holle
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Joined: 2002-12-14 19:24:59

Post by *Guest* - Frau Holle »

I like this template. But one thing I miss. Some statistics. For example the length of all movies in my movies.xml. I'm not really a good Coder, so I need help. :)
I think it must be something like that:

Code: Select all

   x=x+ "length"
I know, it's buggy. It's an example to show you what I want and how could you help me. Thanks for reading :)
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Post by Willspo »

I will post a little update soon (this week) and I will try to include some statistics:

- Total number of movies
- Total length

If you have any other ideas for the template please post them now and I will try to see to them.

Besides statistics the update will include:
- Frames (so that you don't have to scroll to the top to search...)
- A right column (frame) that shows a small picture of the selected movie and information. (instead of the popup window)

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Post by luckybigpack »

What about that idea of getting an extra page for the details of each movie? I like your script pretty much, but when I want to open it with my movies (530) I have to wait like 20 min. Or could you at least put the images on an extra page? they're about 50 MB.
*Guest* - Frau Holle
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Joined: 2002-12-14 19:24:59

Post by *Guest* - Frau Holle »

I only wait for 3-5 seconds, when I open my movielist with about 860 movies and 110 MB. I think you have an other problem, if you wait over 20 minutes.

So Willspo, I wanted to hear that :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . Juhu.

I like to have:
- total length
- total number not, because the movie catalog suported this by html-export, i still use it
- total MB of all movies
- total cds of all movies
- left, where the categories are shown, it would be nice if there is after the category the total of movies in this category. F.e.: Adventure (19)
- changes.txt - because I just copy and customize my transform.xml and style_default.css, because I've made changes which are important for me. But If you don't want to make a .txt - it's absolutely no problem.

Just some ideas. Maybe one of this is usefull for you.
The rest I need, I think no other need it :(

EDIT: One question: The new version will be without detail-popup???
Posts: 61
Joined: 2002-08-14 15:50:23

To bigpack and frau

Post by Willspo »

To bigpack:
The images are not loaded right away. They are loaded first when they are needed (when you click on a movie).
So if it takes 20 min to start the file from your local comp there is probably something else wrong.

And the template is not primarly intended for use over Internet and I won't add an xml file for each movie in this update (probably not ever), sorry.

To Frau:
I thought about removing the popup info. But if you want it I will keep it or post two versions. ;)
*Guest* - Frau Holle
Posts: 46
Joined: 2002-12-14 19:24:59

Post by *Guest* - Frau Holle »

I love this popup. It's really nice, there are all infos you need and because of the popup, the main window is clearly arranged.

But if you don't think this popup is important, just remove it. Not only for me two versions. :) But nice idea, thx. I customize my (your first) transform.xml and I will not use your new template completely. I'm afraid of completely different code, which I cannot understand. I hope you understand me. I copy and customize as much as I can do. Ähm, only if you are agree. :hum:

EDIT: And my name is Chris. Frau means Mrs. :p

Post by jan_hut »

Ok I got it to work though in my description the linebreaks show up as [quote]<b />[/quote]

Would I need to move the decsription field outside of of CData?

would become


Post by jan_hut »

apperently not :(
damn ......
*Guest* - Frau Holle
Posts: 46
Joined: 2002-12-14 19:24:59

Post by *Guest* - Frau Holle »

@Willspo: What do you think when you'll release your next version? :ha:
Posts: 61
Joined: 2002-08-14 15:50:23

Post by Willspo »

Sorry man :/

I have been away snowboarding for a while. And I have a lot of work in school right now but I'll try to post the "next version" next week.

Until then please post any new suggestions and I'll try to look into them.

*Guest* - Frau Holle
Posts: 46
Joined: 2002-12-14 19:24:59

Post by *Guest* - Frau Holle »

Hi, thx for your answer :)

Code: Select all

I like to have: 
- total length 
- total number not, because the movie catalog suported this by html-export, i still use it 
- total MB of all movies 
- total cds of all movies 
- left, where the categories are shown, it would be nice if there is after the category the total of movies in this category. F.e.: Adventure (19) 
- changes.txt - because I just copy and customize my transform.xml and style_default.css, because I've made changes which are important for me. But If you don't want to make a .txt - it's absolutely no problem. 

I think "only" the changes I've posted below can be features in your new version. The other things I miss, are so specific that I think that nobody without me would use these. I've posted that I have done some changes, in the .css to see the border, for example. Maybe you can use something in the new version. You can download it here: ...

Post by Guest »

Is there a reason why Willspo's template doesn't work on the internet?
I uploaded on my webserver, but the movies don't show.
Posts: 61
Joined: 2002-08-14 15:50:23

It works

Post by Willspo »

It should work but it's not really intended for Internet so it will be pretty slow. What happens when you put it on your webserver? (post a link)

Post by Guest »


Post by Guest »

Great template.
Is it possible to incorporate pages? With over 1000 movies, one page is just too much to load at once.

Posts: 61
Joined: 2002-08-14 15:50:23

Post by Willspo »

Guest #1: It seems like you have not uploaded data/movies.xml?
Guest #2: Pages is possible. I'll try to add that.

Post by Guest »


Oh, sorry about that. Forgot that my webserver is case sensitive. Everything works now. :grinking:

problem category

Post by Raff »

Helo, sory my english is very bad, someone can translate me?

Voila mon probleme, j'ai 2 catégories avec une apostrophes :
Série d'animation et Film d'animation. Dans les filtres (a gauche) ces deux liens ne fonctionnent pas puisque l'apostrophe referme le string.
javascript:showCategory('Film d'animation')
J'ai essayer de faire un replace ("'", "\'"); mais cela n'a pas fonctionne.
Et donc la seule solution que j'ai trouve c'est d'enlever l'apostrophe mais ce n'est pas tres propre ;-)


However, i LOVE this template ;-)
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Post by antp »

Raff > This is a real problem with the " vs ' for string delimitation, there is one way to prevent this : use ´ (acute accent) instead of ' in the titles/descriptions/...
[FR] C'est un problème connu, les " ou les ' pour les délimitations des chaînes, il y a un moyen de l'éviter : utiliser ´ (accent aigu) à la place de ' dans les titres/descriptions/...
e.g. 'film d´animation'

Post by Raff »

Sorry for my english !!
Ok Antp it's work!!!! Thanks a lot. But it'll be easier if we can do a search/replace directly in the ant movies database (not only for this case), no? ;)
I have another problem :D !! In my movies database, I use sometimes in description or commentary a line break (? je veux dire un retour à la ligne). When I export with this template (and maybe another?), the line break are replace by a <BR>. But strangely, in the Popup, i show
and not
Why this html tag don't work?
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